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Disclaimer: I actually don't know if this happened. Tried to base it off a little bit off the ending of "La Bamba" but haven't seen the movie in a while so some of it may be off. I imagine that the pilot died instantly but since Valens, Holly, and Richardson were flown out, hence why they were outside the plane, they flew through the glass then died instantly when they hit the ground. So yeah. Enjoy.


"Heads!", Ritchie announced as the coin was tossed.

"Heads it is!", J.P. congratulated, patting his back.

"Shit," Tommy grumbled.

Buddy chuckled at his reaction, "See you in North Dakota, Tommy. Hope the bus crashes," he joked.

"Oh yeah? I hope your plane crashes," Tommy joked back.

Ritchie let out a fake chuckle. He, J.P., and Buddy got into the Charter plane, closing the cold out. Ritchie jolted a little as the plane started moving. Buddy looked behind his shoulder at the 17 year old. He knew that he had a fear of flying and that he was a bit hesitant to get on this one. But it was just freezing cold outside, plus the bus didn't have heating.

"Ah, don't worry about it, Ritchie. We'll be there before you know it. Besides, the sky belongs to the stars," Buddy explained, attempting to make him feel better.

He reached over and patted Ritchie's knee, giving him an encouraging smile. Ritchie smiled a little. He felt the plane take off. He took deep breaths and leaned the back of his head on the chair. He looked over at J.P. He was looking out the window. It was dark and snowy.

Just over Clear Lake, the plane started having some technical difficulty. Ritchie looked at the pilot, who was trying his best to keep the plane flying. The beeping was giving the impression's not alright.

We're gonna die, he thought as he felt a dip in the altitude.

"We're gonna have to land," the pilot told the three stars.

Ritchie audibly sighed in relief.

The plane landed, but because of how dark it was outside, they didn't realize how fast they were actually going. Ritchie sighed as he thought that they was safe. They were not.

Suddenly, he feels the plane flip over. The plane crashed into a fence, crushing the pilot. He flew out the window. He crashed through the window, shards in his face. He screamed as he flew in the air. At that moment, his life flashed through his eyes. He saw his mother. His brother. Donna. Even Keane. Then he hit the ground, hard, sliding across the snow.

Everything went dark.

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