Chapter 1

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"That is my decree." My uncle declared into the throne room lazily as he slouched over to grab his goblet of wine. The nobles and generals filed out of the room, leaving me and my family standing around the king. The room was filled with tension, the only sound was the clicking of heels on the crystal floor along with the ruffling of the banners that adorned the cream-colored walls and pillars. My father was the first to speak.

"Brother, please tell me you jest about this?" His face melted into one of concern and worry. The rest of us turned to my uncle as he got up.

"If the Scaliths want to rid the land of the Isogans I have no quarrel with it." He waved lazily to my father as he descended the steps. Pushing the enchanted vines out of his way. My father moved to stand in front of him.

"Our father and mother loved the Isogans. They are good, honest people who do not quarrel with us or our affairs. They may not have powerful magic like us or the physical abilities of the Scaliths, but they are good. We cannot allow them to be killed. Our kingdo-" he was interrupted by my uncle.

"I think you mean my kingdom little brother. Remember who. Wears. The. Crown." My uncle said in a smug tone. One I would personally love to wipe off his face.

"Brother I do not mean to overstep but please think about this. Families, children, they will all die. I know there is bad blood between the Scalith and the Isogans but this does not justify genocide. Our parents kept the peace, they would want-"

"Our parents ruled how they see fit, now I will rule how I see fit." He said the last few words pointedly, pressing his finger into my father's chest with each one.

My mother inhaled a labored breath of annoyance and huffed. Seems like I'm not the only one who thought my uncle was, in polite terms, discourteous.

"Now if you don't mind, I have some business to attend to." He walked out my aunt trailing not too far behind. My mother huffed before leaving the door opposite theirs, my father following suit. I, however, decided to make my way to my sister's chambers not needing to hear the summary of my uncle's horrible decisions.

As I walked to Maeve's room I smiled at the beauty of our kingdom. The castle itself was a masterpiece. Cream-colored stone and crystal wove in and out of the mountain giving it the appearance that it was made of rainbows and clouds. It had lush green vines growing on the walls with dragons flying around the towers. The waves from the ocean brushed its base, only accentuating the beautiful crystals that swirled up the castle walls. I smiled before continuing. I found myself in the west wing, taking the staircase that wove around the side of the castle. I made it just above the clouds where I could see the dragons playing their version of keep away with a tree.

And where I could be tackled by my little sister, down a few steps I might add.

"So how was it?" Maeve asked from on top of me. I looked up at her with a deadpan face before shoving her off.

"You know it would be nice to not get tackled down the stairs after having to stand for an hour-long decree that our, ahem, honorable king gave." I gave a mock curtsy as I got up. Maeve rolled her eyes before leaning on the balcony. We were quiet for a few minutes until she spoke up.

"Do you think there will be a war?" she looked over at me with an oddly serene look.

I huffed before rubbing my neck, "Probably, although father did not seem supportive in the slightest." I joined her at the stair railing. "He brought up his parents too."

"Damn. He hasn't brought them up since their funeral." She looked at me. "Do you think Dad will finally push back, like actually push back or just talk?" She rested her head in her hand while she propped her elbow on the railing looking at me.

The Tales of Drudia Book 1 The Princess of StoneWhere stories live. Discover now