𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛᴇᴇɴ

"ᴡʜʏ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴜᴄᴋ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ ᴍʏ ᴄᴀᴘ ᴏɴ?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed as her eyes narrowed.

Reids took in a small breath, remembering her prior thoughts of Leah not noticing, "Oh, this is yours?"

Leah opened her mouth to speak, eyebrows furrowing, before the others cheered at the basketball game that was going on. Ray laughed at the group of friends, Leah's eyes lingering on the girl. She turned back to face the blonde, smirk still on her lips before it dropped at her captain's unimpressed expression.

"Leah, you've gotta have a go," The blonde's friend told her, chucking her a basketball.

Leah's eyes remained locked with Raven's, as she caught it, "Yeah sure."

Reids smiled, thinking she had finally got out of the situation, planning to get her friends to slip away from the other three, while Leah was playing.

"Play against me," Leah demanded her teammate, passing her the ball that was in her hands, and moving to step up to the machine.

The black girl rolled her eyes, looking at her friends for help, with a small sigh, wanting nothing more to just be back at the hotel in bed.

"Since you're so good," Leah added in a mumble, with a small smirk, not even daring to look back at the girl, who slowly approached her, standing at the machine beside her.

Reids sighed, adjusting the cap on her head. She glanced at the blonde, who caught her eyes.

"If you win, you keep the hat," She told her, seeing her hesitation.

"And if you win?"

The blonde though for a moment, taking her bottom lip into her mouth, as her eyes stared down Raven's, "You have to do whatever I say in training tomorrow."

Ray rolled her eyes at the girl's proposition, sighing. It wasn't too bad of a side if she lost (which hopefully she didn't, because she had no idea what Leah had planned). And if she won, she got a free cap, "Fine."

"Good," Leah said to the girl, eyes flickering to the cap. The game begun, both footballers wanting nothing more than to beat the other. Their teammates (and Noah) cheered them both on, whooing at any baskets that were made- which at the moment seemed to be mostly Leah's.

"C'mon Ray!" Brooke cheered from behind the two, encouraging the girl to pick up her speed, making more baskets than before.

Leah noticed this, taking her bottom lip into her mouth and trying to fix her eyes on the basket, but instead the distraction caused her to miss more. The game ended slowly but surely, somehow both girls managing to get the exact same score, making the 'spectators' gasp at the irony.

The non-footballer and Brooke both congratulated their friend, as the other two footballers did the same with their friend, before shaking the others' hands, as if it had been a proper match, Leah and Ray however did not even try to shake the other's hand.

"So what does this mean?" Ray questioned the girl, the two being behind the rest of the group,  the black girl's eyes slipping to meet Leah's. The blonde sighed, her hands reaching her pocket, eyes flickering back to the cap. 

"You keep the hat. And you do what I say in training," Leah almost demanded, her eyes turned away from the striker.

She smirked at the response, hands fiddling with the necklace around her neck and adjusting the cap on her head, "It looks better on me anyway." She joked slightly, turning back to the group ahead. 

"As if," Leah rolled her eyes, annoyance lacing her words, but a small smirk pulling at her lips. 


The day out with the group ended swiftly, all the girls returning to the group hotel, Ray and Leah saying their goodbyes to the other four, as they set off in other directions, knowing that the team must have barely gotten any rest before leaving the house.

The striker sighed, turning the cap around on her head, as Leah unlocked the door with her keycard, a tension-filled silence bubbling in the air. Ray sighed, as she kicked off her shoes, sitting at her bed.

A few hours later, Leah called up to Raven from the kitchen area, rummaging through the fridge. She had been in the living room area the whole time, the other girl remaining in her bed.

"When's training tomorrow?"

Ray shrugged, not realising that Leah couldn't see her. She groaned, her legs bent on the bed, before calling back to the blonde, "I don't know."

"How don't you know?" The girl entered the room, taking a sip of her bottle of cold water, scanning the girl's position with her eyes. 

Ray shifted in her spot as she felt the girl's eyes rake across her body. She got into a sitting position, legs still bent and her cap lazily discarded across the room's floor, "How don't you know, Captain?" Leah rolled her eyes at the girl's mocking tone, as she threw on her jacket, "Just ask at dinner."

Team dinner was in a couple of minutes, Leah rolling her eyes and reminding the girl that they should probably head down.

Ray smirked, pulling on her trainers and slipping on a hoodie, before making her way down to where dinner was, following just after Leah.

The two stepped out of the lift, Leah leading once again, and meeting half of the team at the dinner table.

Finding their seats, the two sat apart, despite having arrived at the same time, a sigh leaving their lips at the same time. They chose their food from the selection scattered around the room, Raven being happy that it was one of those hotels.

The team greeted each other, making jokes here and there, one from Beth being thrown around how she was surprised that Ray was on time for once. She let out a small laugh at her friend, taking a forkful of her food.

"So, Reids, you excited for next week?" Ella asked with a smile, tucking in to her potatoes, reminding the team that it was going to be her debut match for England.

"Very," Raven laughed, playing with her food, as she made eye contact with her Captain, "Bit nervous though."

Beth smiled, patting the girl on the back, "As long as you don't get sent off you'll be fine."

Ray let out a chuckle, rolling her eyes at her teammate, as the group laughed at Mead's banter.

"You're propa great though," Another teammate praised, making her smile sheepishly, "I'm calling a hat-trick first game!"

The girl laughed, conversations flowing into the next and the rest of the team, including Brooke, making their way down. She didn't miss the team's fangirling though, the girls going back over her and Raven's goals in their match against Arsenal. Leah's eyes scanned Ray at the mention of the game, the only memory being their send-off.

Eventually, the topic drifted on to training tomorrow, Leah finally being reminded to ask when it was.

"Like half-twelve," The England goalie told her, Raven noting it down in her head, and reminding herself to fall asleep at least eight hours before and to set an alarm.

Team dinner ended there, the group all making it back to their rooms and giggling with each other over random things and inside jokes that had been made.

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