理解できなかった。でも彼女はもっと言わなかった。次の数日僕はずっと考えた。そして庭の崩すの日に僕は自分の影の写真を取ってあの女性のところにいった。彼女は笑った。 そのごろブルドーザー野おとが聞こえた。かのじょがいった,'貴方も影をもってぃる。そこで彼女と太陽のあいだに立った。僕の影は彼女の上に落ちた。機械のおとが上がっていた。僕たちはお互いの目を見つめていた。顔を赤いなった。それで影に浴びて僕たちの顔の赤い色の咲くの中に楽にしてキスをしまった。全てのおとが消していた。花畑の全部花立花が大な咲きました。あま里喜びで僕は次ぎに何も覚えていない。僕は家に見つけました。もう一週間が過ぎた。すぐその花畑にいってみた。政府はその所の取り壊すのが止めだった。花畑は空っぽで静かだった。花が風に遊び手いた。何も特別じゃなかった.でもとても中心に特に綺麗な花がだった。見ると僕の目に悦ぶの涙が出た。
I was in a flower field. This place was beautiful, but the peace and quiet here was more important to me. Suddenly I noticed a woman. In the golden sunlight, she had a mysterious beauty. She was looking at the flowers with a longing gaze. I wanted to talk to her. So I jumped down from behind her. She was surprised. "Don't scare me," she started crying. I didn't understand, why was she crying? She said, "Soon the government will destroy this flower field. I was surprised, but then I understood, she was saying the truth. "What can I do?" I asked. "Please bring me a shadow," she replied.I didn't understand. But she didn't say any more. For the next few days I thought about it. Then on the day of the garden destruction, I took a picture of my shadow and went to the woman. She laughed. About that time, I heard the sound of a bulldozer. She said, 'You have a shadow too.' So I stood between her and the sun. My shadow fell on her. The sound of the machine was rising. We looked into each other's eyes. Our faces turned red. So, bathed in the shadow, our faces became red and we relaxed and kissed. All the sounds had disappeared. All the flowers in the flower garden bloomed. I was so happy that I don't remember anything next. I found my house. Another week passed. I went to the flower garden right away. The government had stopped the demolition of the place. The flower garden was empty and quiet. The flowers were playing in the wind. There was nothing special about it, but there was a particularly beautiful flower in the center. When I saw it, tears of joy came to my eyes.