Chapter Twenty Eight ㅡ He knows.

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"Because now, whatever you tell me, that will be the truth. "

"You.... I... I don't know, Seungmin. "

Minho tried to speak, tears gushing out of his eyes as he tried to make sense of the frenzy inside his mind.

"Hyung... " Seungmin took a deep breath and wiped his tears. "Will it be okay if you wrote things down?"

He gave Minho a reassuring, weak smile. "The court trial is soon. And... I want to be there for you. But we can't.. I can't be there if you keep hiding things from me, hyung. "

Minho didn't know what to do. He was shaking, internally panicking. He wasn't in the right state to write.

"B-baby, will it be okay if you wrote it? I... I'll tell you all that happened.."

He managed to utter. What was he doing?

"Okay, hyung." Seungmin smiled, taking his backpack and slipping out a notebook. "I-I bought this for groceries! Didn't know it would come handy in the middle of a mental breakdown. " He said nervously, making Minho chuckle. The older was glad the situation could lighten up a bit.

He was doing it.

He was telling.

Minho's smile wiped off his face.

''Oh, hey Lee Know-ssi! Good work today!''

''Uh, are there any cameras here? I wanna change, and Seungmin is still using the room so,''

''No, go ahead. There are no cameras in this room. ''

''Yeah, thanks. Anyways, can I see the photos?''


''I-I d-don't know what you're talking about--''

"B-but! Isn't that outfit not required anymore? I mean, I can give Seungmin something else to wear for tomorrow!"

"Was it fun touching my Seungmin?"

"Lee Know-ssi, I get that you're dating, but I was just fixing the outfitㅡ"


"I..." Minho gulped hard. "Someone is trying to target me... I'm being trapped in something I'm not responsible for a-and... and it's hurting my loved ones and it's hurting you and... it's hurting me..."

''I... ''

왜 여기있어

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왜 여기있어

''That day... as I was exiting the changing room, I...'' 

''Oh, hey Lee Know-ssi! Good work today!''

''Yeah, thanks. Anyways, can I see the photos?''

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