Chapter 190 Children

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After making sure nothing was left behind, Jiandan returned to the ground along the same route. As for the traces by the well, they could not be restored, and Jiandan did not have the time.

Looking at the degree of desolation of the yard, it was estimated that few people usually came here. In fact, the traces underground would almost disappear after the next rain. After thinking about it, she simply ignored it. Anyway, she was wearing shoe covers. If someone really found it, she could go and check it out.

While people's attention was on the fire, Jiandan ran all the way to the train station along the path and found the second place mentioned by Sheng Zhiyuan. She collected everything as it was, and then went back to the main street from the back street, and deliberately walked near the burning house.

I have to say that Sheng Zhiyuan has some skills. It has been almost an hour since he found her, and the fire has not diminished at all. There was no smell of gasoline at the scene, and it has not spread to the neighbors. You are, isn't it strange?

Although she arrived at the main street, Jiandan was hiding from people and walked in the alleys and small alleys. It is no exaggeration to say that at this time, there were no people in the alleys.

Even the elderly and children who couldn't help stood at the entrance of the alley to watch the excitement. This place was even more free for her to come and go.

It was more than an hour later when she returned to the state-owned restaurant. Several people stood outside the restaurant. Judging from the situation, if she didn't come back, they would call the police.

Shengshi stood obediently beside Tan Yajun. When he saw Jian Dan coming back, his eyes lit up at first. He looked behind him and didn't see the person he wanted to see. Then the mist came up.

"Sister, isn't it my father who is looking for you? Why hasn't he come to pick me up yet?"

The child was only four or five years old. She was already frightened. After staying with a few strangers for so long, the strings in her heart had been stretched tight. Now she couldn't bear it anymore.

Jian Dan paused. She could beat people and she was even better at killing pigs, but she was still a little scared to coax the child. She was still thinking about how to trick him. Then she saw that everyone on the street ran towards this side. Several people retreated and stuck to the wall tightly to avoid being taken away by the crowd.

"What happened?"

They didn't hear what was being shouted, but from the expression, they were nervous and even scared. It seemed that they were saying something vaguely,

"Someone was burned to death",

"Someone was crushed to death",

"The house collapsed",

They didn't know which one was true. Several people looked at each other with serious faces. It seemed that something happened again?


She hadn't wiped her tears just now, but she suddenly burst into tears. Jiandan hurriedly pulled the child who was almost knocked down by the crowd back, and didn't care if it would happen or not. She hugged the child awkwardly,

"It's okay, your dad has something to do, and he will come to pick you up after he is done."

The child seemed to have sensed it, and kept reaching out to the direction of the fire, crying and shouting.

Jiandan was sweating with anxiety, and thought that if it didn't work, he would use the old method, giving candy.

Reaching into her coat pocket,

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