The beginning of Hell

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"Mam, are you ready? I'm entering."

-"uh-uh yeah,sure you can.. You may enter."

Tension is brewing through Sonia's head.She can't believe that today is her wedding.She was stunned to see herself in the mirror. Her silk long white dress brushing the floor.Her long neck that is wearing a simple jewellery, Her long hair that is touching her waist..she was really looking like a sparkling star in human form.

-"Umm..where is dad? Will he not escort me today at least?

"Sorry young miss, lord can't attend today"

Sonia got sad after hearing that.It was a little big expectation of her.

-"So who will escort me today?

"So my little soni is depressed...I see."

An old familiar voice pierce through Sonia's ear.She got excited to hear the voice.

-"Uncle Ben!!!"

"Yes my Soni.Wow...i can't believe what i'm seeing.Is there an angle in front of me!?"

Sonia started to smile.Uncle Ben is an only person who was with Sonia since her childhood.

-"Soni, let's go"

"Yes, uncle Ben"


"Now, The bride is entering."

Uncle Ben and Sonia was walking slowly on the floor.But curiosity cover up through Sonia's head. Why everyone is so silent. Not just silent,but also was weirdly looking at Sonia.

-"why everyone is looking at me like that?And they are so high class people. But i thought that formal people will come. Like mama said"

Sonia was so curious that she could not focus in walking.

-"what are you thinking so there anything wrong?"

"No uncle,there's nothing wrong."

" my soni also started to lie to me.Did you even see the groom?"

Sonia finally came to her sense.Then she looked in front. She got shocked after looking in front.

-"He is the groom... seriously?!?!"

A gentleman who is tall more than 6" ft.Gently brushed black hair.Masculine body that every girl desire.A expressionless cold face that shows no emotion.Sonia really fall in love at first side after seeing his face.

-"I can't believe that i'm giving my soni to a stranger."

Tear was falling from uncle Ben's eyes.

-"Don't say that uncle.i'm still your little soni.Don't worry."

The wesdding was happening calmly untill a problem appear.

"You may kiss the bride now"

-"Can't we skip that part?"

A cold deep voice came out from Taejoo the groom.

"What he is saying?!!? If he doesn't kiss me than the marriage will stay uncomplete."

Sonia was shocked after hearing that.But everyone in the hall was in Taejoo's side.

-"uh-ah yeah, sure the groom can skip it if he wants. So, now i'm announcing both of you as wife and husband."

Sonia fell from sky after hearing priest's announcement. She looked at her uncle.Her uncle was also shocked after hearing that but couldn't do anything. After seeing her uncle's disappointment she also said nothing.Taejoo than walked away with his people.everyone was also started to enjoy themselve.Sonia then came to his uncle.

-"uncle,wha-what just now happend.why he skip to kissing me.was there anything wrong or are you all hiding something from me?"

Uncle ben calm downed Sonia.He was in pain to see Sonia that desperate.

-"Soni.i can't tell you everything,but remember one thing.once you set your foot in Lee mansion,never ever make the Lee family disappointment on you. Cause it's the only way you can survive in Lee mansion"


Sonia was shocked after hearing her uncle's she going into a living hell?

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