seven. faye.

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. chapter seven.

꒰ ☁️ ꒱ °˖ ⊹

"SO YOU'VE never met her before?" Finn asks me, and I shake my head.

"No, I hadn't before today. She's good friends with Amiya and super close with Brady but I don't think she lives near us so it makes sense that I hadn't. Why do you need to know?"

"I was just wondering because you two seemed to get along, that's all." He shrugs.

"Alright." I smile. "I'm gonna get some lunch, you want any?"

He shakes his head. "No, but maybe you should talk with Connor. He seems upset about earlier."

"What? Why me? Did I do something?" I ask him with slight concern, and he shrugs.

"I don't know, I'm sorry. He just... stormed off after Xoch said she had to go." Finn mumbles. "Just— talk to him, babe."

"Okay, I will. I'll find you after." I kiss his cheek before we part ways, him to get lunch, me to find connor.

I find him at his usual lunch table with his golf friends, and when I walk up they all immediately start saying things like ooooh.

"Connor?" I say softly, not wanting to interrupt his conversation. He turns to look at me.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Uhm... can we talk? Like, alone maybe." I mutter, and he nods.

"Yeah." He sets his drink down and follows me to the empty hallway, since everyone is either at lunch or in class.

"Did I do something? Why're you mad at me?" I ask him, and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Mad at you? I mean, a little, but I wasn't gonna say anything about it." He mutters as he scratches the back of his neck.

"What?" I frown. "Connor, what'd I do?"

"I... it's fine, really. We don't have t—"

"Yes we do, connor. I wanna know what I did to make you upset." I say sternly, and he sighs.

"Some of the things you said were a little careless earlier. Like that we weren't friends and that you wouldn't talk to me unless you had to." He explains. "It kinda hurt my feelings because I thought we were making some progress and could... never mind."

"Could what?" I say softly, and he avoids my eyes.

"Could maybe be friends again, but it was dumb." He mutters, "I know that we wouldn't work out... you've made that very clear."

I shake my head. "No, that was romantically. We can try to be friends if you want to, C."

He freezes a little when I call him C, and I take it as a sign to not do that again.

"C... you called m—"

"I know, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." I interrupt, and he shakes his head at me.

"No, do it more often. I missed the nickname." He smiles softly, and I smile back.

"Alright." I nod. "I'm gonna go find Finn, wanna come with?"

He shrugs. "Sure. About time I get him back as a friend."

Yes! Finn will be happy I convinced connor of this.

We walk over to Finn and when Connor sits down Finn looks surprised, but not weirded out or offended.

"Hey, what's up!" Finn smiles at Connor as they dab up, and connor sits down next to Finn instead of next to me, which I don't mind.

Both boys are across from me, but Finn's eyes travel somewhere behind me before he smiles at the person.

Suddenly a girl sits down next to me. I turn to see that it's someone I've never met before. She's got the same color hair and eyes as Finn, but her freckles are more prominent. She's absolutely stunning, but she looks to be a little younger than me.

"Finny!! I haven't seen you at lunch in so long!" She says excitedly.

"Hi, Faye." He smiles adoringly at her. "Quinn, this is my sister, Faye. She's a freshman."

She turns to me. "Oh my gosh, hi!! I've heard so much about you from Finn!"

I smile at her. "Hi! It's so nice to meet you."

"You're so pretty, oh my gosh." Faye compliments me before turning to Connor. "You single?

I resist the urge to laugh as Connor's face shows his surprise at what Faye said to him.

"Not for a freshman." He replies, and her face falls a little. "Sorry, I'm a senior."

Her eyes widen now. "Holy shit! I didn't know that, sorry!"

"Don't worry about it." Connor waves her off.

Faye is super sweet and I now understand why Finn has always been so protective of her. She's like sunshine in the form of a human.

"Wait, isn't your brother like... famous?" Faye asks connor, and he nods.

"Mhm. He's an actor." Connor smiles. "He also plays volleyball for our school."

She snaps her fingers and nods excitedly. "I knew I had thought I'd seen you before! Turns out it was just your brother."

"I gotta go find some of my friends, but it was nice to meet you." Connor says politely. "I'll see you later?"

Finn and I both nod before Connor walks off. Faye sits and yaps to us for a little while before she runs off to meet up with some of her friends and the boy she likes.

"Woah, woah! Faye! Who's this boy?!" Finn shouts after her, but she just keeps walking.

I laugh as he continues to shout for her, but he gets no response.

"I'm sure he's nice, Finny." I say softly as I pat his shoulder.

"Bullshit, he's a boy." Finn mutters to me, and I laugh more.

"Finn, you're a boy."

"Yeah, but I'm hardly one. I was raised with a mom and a sister." He deadpans. "I was raised correctly by my mom."

"I know you were Finny," I kiss him softly. "but some other people were too. Have some faith, okay?"

He nods. "Okay. But if he hurts her I will beat his ass, I don't care if he's a freshman."

"Okay then, Finn. You do that." I laugh.

I wonder why Finn's so protective of her and not me? Not that it's bad, but it's... interesting.


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no quinn hate ❌
no faye hate ❌
no finn hate ❌

I love faye sm she's my fave freshman in this (she's the only one)

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'm hoping to get another one out later this week!! I go back to school Wednesday so I should have some free time once I'm back from vacation on Monday!

I love u all so so much and tysm for reading!

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