The Fateful Meeting.

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Today was a good day.  The sky didn't have any clouds, the sun was shining but it wasn't hot like in summer. A soft breeze was making the leafs ruffle creating a delicate sound all around the park.

It wasn't the first time that she walked around the trees and bushes but Serenity found a sort of gentleness in this scenery. Something about the animals that roamed there or the nature calmed her tormented mind. Even in her kind nature ,bad people kept coming her way to destroy her in the worst way possible.

Serenity shook her head to disperse those grey thoughts.

 Today was good.

Her walk was almost over. The roads and building of the city were starting to come into view.

Since her walk finised sooner than she thought, she decided to go to DD's Dinner which wasn't far from the park. The food wasn't that good and the staff weren't really nice either but their milkshake were good ! So everything else was forgiven.

Upon entering the dinner, Serenity noticed a man with big blue eyes and a member of the staff siting at a table. The man wore a blue shirt with a black jacket without sleeves. He smiled softly at the person in front of him. Unlike the man, the staff member seemed mad for some reasons. Their feets were agressively taping the floor and their arms were crossed in front of their chest.

Serenity decided that digging in other's life wasn't nice, so she took place at the table behind them and ordered a vanilla milkshake with a big smile. Her server, TK, took your order with a friendly smile. He seemed nice.

The conversation from the two individuals behind her was starting to get heated, well the worker was starting to say some mean word to the man.Things about his appearance or his way of showing love to someone. Since her back faced them she assumed that the man was starting to get uncomfortable and sad by the soft sounds that he made.

"There you go sweetheart, a vanilla milkshake for you." TK approach her with a soft smile.

Serenity smiled softly at him.

"Thanck you very much" , she responded in a soft voice. She took a sip of her drink and gave her compliment to TK.

The argument behind them was growing to the point where the worker stood up and was screaming at the poor man. When they started to scream, Serenity flinched away from the noice. Let's say that she didn't really like loud noises.

" For the love of god Peter ! No ! I am sick of you trying to be nice to me and trying to get me to like you. I'll never ever like you back so let me the heck alone!" They screamed and stormed off into the kitchen after that.

Once silence fell onto the room, Serenity let her hands slide from her ears that where shielding the loud argument.

Her eyes fell into TK who was still next to her table. They looked back at the kitchen with sad eyes and let out a sigh.

"I'm really sorry about them , I'm going to warn them about their behavior." He offered her a small smile.

"Again, really sorry , but I do hope I can see you around here soon, you seem like a good person" They said as they said while leaving.

During a long minute Serenity siped at her milkshake as the man stayed silent. After some reflexion, Serenity decided to go sit with the man in order to comfort him.

As she sat down, the man looked at her, his eyes shining with tears.

" Hi.. I'm sorry but I heard your conversation with the hum .. worker, and I wanted to make sure that you were alright" she explained in a soft voice, afraid to annoy the man.

"That's really nice of you thanck you" he said with a small smile, not really being in the mood for a full smile.

Serenity smiled herself. She held her hand in front of her.

" My name is Serenity, it's nice to meet you" she said with a closed eyes smile.

The man looked at her hand for a few seconds and then took her hand in his.

" Im... I'm Peter, but I don't really like my name so you can call me something else if you want" he said while shaking her hand.

"Well, I think that you have a lovely name Dear" she giggled.


A/N: Hi !! So first chapter, it's a bit short I think but hey it's just the start of a looonnng story and I'm really excited to write the rest. The updates won't be regular because I mainly write when I have time ( so at night ;-; or during some of my classes). But I'll try to be as steady as possible. In the meantime I hope that you enjoy :)

Also English is not my first language so if I make some spelling mistakes please feel free to correct me but be nice, I'm still learning ^-^.

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