Love to hate me part 1 (g!p)

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🚩🚩 Trigger warning: mature content, dubious consent

"Stop looking at me like that." Roseanne protests. Face red. Her heart beating out of chest. So, so nervous.

"I look however I want," says Jennie. "Besides, I won the bet, and you agreed to do this for me. Now strip."


Roseanne and Jennie are enemies and they can't stop annoying the hell out of each other. Turns out betting should have been regulated.

©️ Converted, all rights reserved to the original author


"Be honest, how do I look?" Lisa turns toward Roseanne, eyes wide and full of anticipation. Roseanne thinks that there's no way Lisa doesn't know that she looks smoking hot in her teeny tiny top and her short shorts, but she may need last second validation so Roseanne makes an approving face at her and says– "hot."

Lisa beams at her. "Thanks." Then she stalls right in front of the villa, which is where their friends are in right now, blasting music at a decibel that may warrant a complaint, except that the neighbors are basically villa renters too, and for all Roseanne cares, they probably don't care.

They are in Jeju. The sports teams and the dance teams are there for the summer outing, including Lisa's crushes, (yes, crushes) Jisoo and what's-his-name (Roseanne can't care less about him). Suffice to say that Lisa is a little nervous about meeting them tonight, which sounds like a complete lie considering that just a few minutes ago Lisa is hyping herself up on the way to the villa, mouthing at her own reflection in the car window, saying stuff like- "it's okay, you're hot enough, you got this."

"What's wrong?"

"No, it just–" Lisa hesitates. "How's my boobs?"

To be completely honest, they look distractingly huge in that tight fitting bustier.

"Relax, love, you're good," says Roseanne as she opens the door, leading Lisa inside. She doesn't really want to be there in the first place, she'd rather sleep alone in her room, or finish that zombie show on netflix. She hates crowds and she can be a little shy but alas, Roseanne can't skip duty night as Lisa's wingwoman.

The baseline of the music hits them first, then the buzz of noise follows; chatter and laughter. The whole place is packed. There are balloons, red and purple and yellow filling up the floors. Dim lights, orange and blue, bathe the whole place. Red solo cups litter the place and Lisa surges forward at the prospect of getting drunk, almost leaving Roseanne behind.

They meet Somi, the host of the party, who gladly shows them to the booze section.

Following the direction, Roseanne and Lisa navigate the room, zig zagging around tipsy party attendants. The music is so loud and Roseanne can feel the bass in her chest, bump, bump, bump, like a drum and it slowly fuses with her mind. She's getting excited and Lisa seems like she does too.

Roseanne forgets the reason why she didn't want to come in the first place. She realizes she wants to have fun and that she actually is allowed to. It's her break too as much as it's everyone's.

Once they arrive at the kitchen, Roseanne urgently pours herself a glass of beer, meanwhile Lisa, in turns, grabs a glass of vodka. Lisa prefers whiskey but Vodka works fine too although it certainly gives the girl a headache later on. Roseanne can't relate. She doesn't really drink liquor, not more than three cups a night or else she'll faint.

"Drink that, you need it," she says because she knows Lisa needs alcohol encouragement whenever she's going to meet Jisoo. Like a dutiful daughter, Lisa downs her vodka in one go, which may be a very unwise decision considering that they just arrived and that shot is surely not going to be her last tonight.

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