Ch-11 "Felix's Birthday"

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Three weeks had passed since Hyunjin and Minho had started their new roles at the college. Hyunjin flourished as an art teacher, his passion for creativity igniting a spark within his students. Meanwhile, Minho's choreography captivated the hearts of those who attended his classes, his movements fluid and mesmerizing.

Despite their shared workplace, their interactions outside of meals and occasional small talks were rare. In the stillness of the night, they drifted apart, each lost in the depths of their own thoughts and dreams.

As the days turned into weeks, a subtle rift began to form between them, unnoticed amidst the hustle and bustle of their daily lives. Their once inseparable bond now strained under the weight of unspoken words and lingering doubts.

Hyunjin found himself haunted by the same nightmares that had plagued him before, their intensity growing with each passing night. He tossed and turned, seeking solace in the darkness, but finding none.

Meanwhile, Minho wrestled with his own demons, the visions remained the same. He found himself adrift in a sea of uncertainty, longing for the comfort of Hyunjin's presence yet unable to bridge the growing chasm between them.

Their shared meals became a fleeting oasis in the desert of their disconnect, their conversations laced with forced smiles and hollow laughter. Behind their masks of civility, a silent plea echoed in the depths of their souls, a yearning for the connection they had lost.

As the days stretched into nights, Hyunjin and Minho found themselves trapped in a cycle of longing , their hearts heavy with the weight of unspoken words. But amidst the silence, a glimmer of hope flickered like a lone candle in the darkness, a beacon of light guiding them back to each other's arms.

Despite the growing distance between them, a small blessing emerged amidst the turmoil: their true identities remained a secret, hidden even from their closest friends. None suspected that behind their human façades lay the powerful essence of fairies, their magic veiled from prying eyes.

Hyunjin and Minho stood in the beige mansion, their attire reflecting their interrupted bedtime routine, they were greeted by Chan and two unfamiliar faces. Chan's hurried call had stirred them from their sleep, and the absence of Felix only added to their concern.

Chan introduced the two men with a sense of urgency, revealing Jisung as his younger brother, his squirrel-like features softened by the presence of Bbama in his hand. Beside him stood Jeongin, Jisung's fiancé, whose intelligent and cunning aura belied his fox-like appearance.

Despite the late hour and the unexpected meeting, Hyunjin and Minho felt an immediate warmth emanating from Jisung and Jeongin, akin to the familiarity they had shared with Chan and Felix upon their first encounter. It was as if their souls recognized each other .

Minho, asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes, glanced around the room. "Where's Felix?"

Chan,said his expression eager yet secretive, stepped forward. "Don't worry, guys. It's Felix's birthday today, that's why you're here." He blushed slightly. "We're here to surprise him. Felix is still asleep, so we're going to wake him up with a cake!"

Hyunjin grinned, catching onto Chan's excitement. "That sounds like a plan! Let's give him the birthday celebration he deserves."

Jisung and Jeongin exchanged knowing glances, their eyes sparkling with anticipation. "It's going to be a night to remember.

As they tiptoed into Felix's room, the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains illuminated his peaceful slumber. Chan carefully placed the birthday cake on the bedside table, adorned with flickering candles.

"Happy birthday, Felix!" Hyunjin whispered, his voice filled with warmth as he gently shook Felix awake.

Felix's eyes fluttered open, confusion melting into a wide smile as he saw his friends and boyfriend.

melting into a wide smile as he saw his friends gathered around him. "You guys... what's all this?"

"It's your special day, Felix!" Minho exclaimed, joining the circle around the bed.

Chan lit the candles on the cake as they all chorused together, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Felix, happy birthday to you!"

With a laugh, Felix leaned forward to blow out the candles, his heart overflowing with gratitude for his friends. As the room filled
with cheers and laughter, they enveloped him in a group hug, sharing in the joy of the moment.

Chan spoke, his eyes sparkling with excitement,as he turned to Hyunjin and Minho. "Guys, for Felix's birthday celebration, we're going to a bar called 'Midnight Mirage' in Seoul. It's going to be a night to remember, with a theme of navy and black elegance , so dress accordingly, Afterward, we'll stay at a hotel for the night, so we can really let loose without worrying about driving back to the countryside."

Hyunjin and Minho exchanged looks of anticipation before nodding eagerly. "Sounds amazing, Chan. We're honored to be invited," Minho replied with a grin.

As they bid farewell and made their way back to their own mansion, Hyunjin and Minho couldn't contain their excitement for the night ahead. The thought of celebrating Felix's birthday in style filled them with anticipation, eager to join their friends for a night of laughter and memories.


A/N please don't ignore those little stars ..   😭

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