Chapter Two - Down

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After the dinner concluded, I gathered the plates along with the other maids and headed to the kitchen, ready to embark on the meticulous task of cleaning the palace. Each of us had our assigned duties, and with the impending arrival of the Police and Corps, maintaining spotless surroundings became imperative.

Despite the abundance of rooms within the palace, every member of the Corps and Police claimed a dormitory. For each room occupied, a maid was appointed to tend to the needs of the warriors on the front lines—cleaning, attending to wounds, and serving meals. It was a crucial role, ensuring the well-being and comfort of those who risked their lives in battle.

As the preparations intensified, the chores extended beyond routine cleaning. Feeding the soldiers and attending to their various needs became part of our responsibilities. It was more than just a duty; it was a service that not only met the demands but also provided me with an opportunity to earn extra income in anticipation of their arrival.

For me, this extra income was a lifeline; it was a chance to send additional funds back home to the underground, contributing to the well-being of my family. The responsibility was not just a task; it was a lifeline connecting the realms above and below the towering walls.

As the echoes of clinking plates faded in the kitchen, Alice shot me a knowing look. "Elara, why do you always get stuck with the dorms? There are plenty of other tasks to do."

I sighed, scrubbing a particularly stubborn stain off a plate. "It's just how it is, Alice. We each have our duties."

Alice raised an eyebrow, her short brown hair framing her skeptical expression. "Duties or just a clever way for you to earn more coins? I've seen you stash those extra earnings, Elara. What's the secret?"

Suppressing a smirk, I continued my work. "It's not a secret, Alice. It's called making the most of opportunities. We all have bills to pay."

She leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I've heard whispers that they pay extra for their 'special treatment.' Is that true?"

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. "Alice, you and your rumors. It's about providing a service. They're out there risking their lives; the least we can do is make their stay comfortable."

She tapped her fingers on the counter, unconvinced. "Comfortable, sure. But you seem to be making more than others. What's your secret recipe for earning favor?"

I glanced around, making sure no one else was within earshot. "No secret recipe, Alice. Just being good at what I do."

A sly grin crept across her face. "Good at what you do, or good at playing the game?"

I shot her a stern look, but she only chuckled. "Come on, Elara. You can't fool me. I've seen you slipping extra pastries to Captains. What's the deal there?" I sighed again, surrendering to her persistence. "Fine, maybe I give a little extra attention to certain members. It's a way to build rapport, that's all."

Alice's eyes widened with realization. "Rapport, huh? More like securing your spot as the favorite maid."
I couldn't help but laugh. "You're overthinking it, Alice. Now, let's finish these chores before we both get in trouble."

She leaned back, still wearing that mischievous grin. "I'm onto you, Elara. One day, I'll crack the code of your charm."

As we continued our work, I couldn't help but appreciate the banter with Alice. Despite her probing questions, there was a camaraderie in our shared duties and the secrets we held within the palace walls.
As the morning chores wrapped up, I made my way back to my dormitory. The palace corridors were lit, the morning sun cascading through the windows. Alice caught up with me, waving off the other maids as they dispersed for the night.

Levi Ackerman x Character/Reader (The Classes of War)Where stories live. Discover now