Chapter 3: Shadows and Silhouettes

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Kevin's POV

«Pass me the ball» I scream at Grealish. I am free in the middle. No one is covering me. Bruno is nowhere to be seen and McTerminator is no threat if he is not in front of a goal. He also played from the start so that means he sucks this game. What it even up with that dude, someone should study him. I see an opening. I sniff in the football air. Ah, smells like winning

I am confident I got this in the bag. I can see Haaland in the front, ready as ever to score. If I just pass the ball to him, he's going to do his part of the job and put the ball in the net. It is a no brainer. I've done it a hundred times before. It is so easy. So so easy. Grealish passes the ball to me and I... I...

I slip. I SLIP?

I could not help it. I was running with the ball, but then my eyes saw it. Varane was standing a few meters in front of me and his legs. Why are his legs shaped like that? I've never noticed it before but, they kind of look like bananas, going inwards then outwards. It hard to explain, you must see it for yourself. 

I dont know what even happend. My head went into a kind off trance. It is surreal. Luckily for Varane, he is insanely handsome. Even I would smash that if I could. I can't though. I am not gay, I like women. Beautiful brown-haired women. Women who are not like everyone else. I like it when they just throw their hair up in a bun. Women who are just themselves no matter what. That is my type. 

But after my wife decided to cheat on me with my ex-buddy Courtois, I have no trust left. Now I hate women. I hate brown hair. I hate it when they put it in a bun. It infuriates me. Some might see me as a ginger incel, but I disagree. I'm hurt. That is what it is.


Now I'm laying on the ground. The whole arena is quiet, and everyone is looking at me. What is happening? I see the ball right in front of me. The difference now is that this huge, squared entity is running towards the ball. He is so powerful I can feel the ground shake beneath me. He kind of reminds me of that I need to buy a new fridge since my last one broke. 

It's Maguire. Oh no, and he looks like he is on a mission. He looks like no one is going to stop him from scoring this fucking ball. Like he owns the world. I mean he kind of does. He is one of the greatest defenders that has ever been. ManU is a really hard team to beat. Ten Hag uses insane tactics... I wish I had his brain. 

At least they sold Fred. If he was here I don't think I would even dare to set foot on this field again. He is such a great player. They even named their freaking mascot after him. He pockets me every freaking time. I don't know how he does it. And United was dumb to sell him, such bad tactics from Ten Hag. Anyways, back to me laying on the ground.

The silence is broken by immense cheering from the away crowd. FUCK... I am never gonna live this down. I am going to be the new Gerrard. I am going to be... "HAHA SLIPPY B" I hear from the crowd. Fuck, really? Did I just ruin my whole career?

I don't remember what happens next, I'm just doing everything on commando. But my head is empty. I cannot feel anything, I feel broken and ruined. Finally, the whistle blows. I lay down and cover my face. I don't want to see anyone. I am mad, no furious at myself. I might have ruined our chance at winning the premier league. The Citizens are going to hate me. I just ruined my career...

Foden runs over and lifts me up. He is a great guy. He holds my head down and helps me out of the stadium. I can hear the whole crowd booing me. All I want to do now is go home and sleep. Sleep the whole thing off. But something inside me gives me the feeling that this is just the beginning. 

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