Chapter One

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September 2005

She had been feeling it for quite a while now, the awakening inside her chest. The gentle rage that was buried deep inside her. She didn't used to feel it. It started slowly, festering away inside her. With every argument she had, every negative thought, every time she was belittled, every time she was hurt, it was like another log was added to the flames burning within her.

She tried to ignore it at first, push it down, and pretend it wasn't there. But the more she tried to suppress it, the more it fought to be unleashed. It was a primal feeling, raw and untamed, like a wild animal clawing at the walls of her chest, desperate to break free.

A loud crash stung her ears, her head was pounding, and a warm liquid trickled down her neck. She clenched her eyes shut in agony, every pain receptor in her head going off like an alarm. Her brain felt disconnected from her body, her legs felt like they were made of lead, and she was almost positive she had a concussion. The grips on her forearms tightened as she tried to move.

Her eyes flew open despite the way the light pierced through her corneas like daggers. Her vision was blurry as she tried to adjust to her surroundings. Memories of the day's earlier events flooded through her like a tidal wave.

She was on a mission in Leeds. Kingsley had intercepted some information about the location of a death eater safe house. He believed it could be the location of a Horcrux.

She warned him. She warned them all, that it was too easy. It was a trap, she begged and pleaded but they still didn't listen to her. Even still, she went with them. Turns out she was right, as always.

She had been too busy dueling a pair of death eaters, too busy to see the Reaper watching her, observing her. She killed them with quickness, wasting no time trying to play the defensive. But just as quick as they dropped to the ground, a red light came hurtling towards her and hit her square in the chest. Pain shot through her like lighting, and the last thing she remembered was a pair of cold silver eyes staring down at her.

"Oh wonderful, she's waking up!" An overly enthusiastic, sarcastic male voice flooded through her ears.

Who the fuck was that?

"Do you reckon she remembers?"

She blinked a couple of times, trying to clear her vision enough to see where the mystery voice was coming from.

"She might. Even if she does who gives a fuck?" A deeper voice replied from behind her. Her vision cleared as she turned her head to the man towering above her to the right. Her blood chilled when she saw his uniform.

It was him, one of the royals. One of the most savage, vicious death eaters she had ever encountered. He was holding her arm, gripping it so tightly that it hurt. She looked to her left, another death eater, a royal was holding her up. Her heart began to race, it began to become difficult to breathe as she started to stir. Her immediate reaction was to pull on her arms, to rip herself out of their hold. But they were stronger than her and barely budged.

"Granger. How the hell are you?!" The one to the left of her peered down at her through his mask. He towered above her, and she was sure if she could see his face he would be smiling. He seemed genuinely curious as if he were seeing an old friend after a long time away.

"Who the fuck are you? What the fuck is going on?" She spat, struggling for control over her arms. He merely squeezed tighter shaking her to keep her in place. She was beginning to panic, her chest heaving.

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