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Authors Note: youll be more familiar with the characters if you have read the Thrawn Ascendancy Books by Timothy Zahn.  :) This Story takes place in 1 ABY. 3 years after Thrawns disappearance in the Rebels finale and 21 years after he was exiled. 

In the orbit of the planet Chira on the border of the chiss ascendancy

The stars form again, the ship comes to a sudden halt and Quilori of Uandualon once again looses his grip of the great presence. He takes off his Noise cancelling helmet and gives out a sigh. If you had told him years ago, that he would still get a job as a pathfinder he wouldnt have believed it. After his escapades with General Yiv, the Agbui, the Kilji and especially Jixtus and his Grisk, the mere thought of returning to his old job was compareable with his wildest dreams. espeacially after he came to the pathfinder station commanding a Kilji destroyer. But fate, for once, had shown mercy to Quilori. For the blue skin...... chiss under the command of Thrawn had made sure that he wasnt blamed for his actions. 

Quilori still couldnt believe that, after all hes done, Thrawn still made sure that he wasnt to blame. "its sad to think that he got banished into the lesser regions 20 years ago" said Quilori in his mind. 

After letting every past moment pass in his mind he got back into the present. Quilori was hired on board a Pataatu vessel that had been send to a chiss world for a diplomatic mission. The chiss after centuries of isolation decided it was time to form a better relationship with their neighbours in the chaos. No wonder, after Jixtus almost succesfully destroyed the ascendancy and the Grisk still remaining a threat to them, its only logical to assume that they would try to get as many allies as possible. What confused him the most though was the fact that the chiss chose the Pataatu of all species. Because they butted heads with the ascendancy on the regular. Was it because of the regenerative abilities of their military that the blue skins chose the Pataatu to become their first allies? Well, Quilori didnt care that much. His days of getting invested in the political and especially the military aspects of the chaos were over. In his mind Quilori said:"All i have to do now is wait till the ambassator returns from the planet and then i fly the ship back ho..."

Quiloris thought came to a hold when he laid eyes on the chiss world they were approaching. The closer the Pataatu ship came to orbit the more the destruction that was laid upon the planet became visible. Chira was the name of the world, or at least thats what Quilori thought the name was. A small colony world of the chiss. just a few thousand inhabitants. The Pathfinder compared the destruction of this world with the destruction he had seen on Sunrise the home planet of the Magys. But when he thought about it, this was somehow much worse. Giant craters filled the crust. Where there once had been small cities filled with chiss settlers, were now huge craters filled with either lava or the melted remains of buildings. The planetary defense fleet the chiss had on all their worlds was reduced to a bunch of wreckage. A few civillian ships mixed within the destroyed military vessels. All the Pathfinder could feel at the moment was fear, disgust and guilt. Did the Grisk do this? Had they dropped their subtle manipulative approach and began a crusade against the chiss? How many worlds have also suffered this fate already? Suddenly an alarm went off and every cell in Quiloris body froze in place. He couldnt completely understand what the Pataatu captain said but the core meaning behind his words were clear: an enemy ship was approaching. Quilori looked out of the window and watched in horror as a saucer shaped ship came closer to their ship. It opened fire emmedeatly.  The enemy fire tore through the Pataatus shields and hull like butter, and the fire they returned proved to be useless. Normally the Pataatu wouldnt fly with a single vessel but because this was a diplomatic mission they saw fit to travel with just one ship as a sign of good nature. 

Quilori shook with every hit the ship took. Alarms still blaring, the crew crying out orders as they desperatly tried to coordinate counter measures. He knew this ship wouldnt last much longer. The escape pod wasnt far from here. Quilori loosened his seatbelt and ran for the bridge door. He heistly stumbled through the corridor wich was put in a red colour every time the alarm lights went off. The ship still took many hits making it shake uncontrollably wich caused Quilori to fall down more then once. Then, finally, Quilori reached the escape pods. He ran, he ran as fast as his legs would let him. With one arm reaching for the door panel he arrived at the escape pod. All he had to do was enter the code that was given to him at the beginning of this trip and he would be halfway into safety.

 But he never came that far. 

The last few moments of his life, Quilori spent realising that the hull infront of him exploded and that he was sucked into the vacuum of space. Before his eyes closed he was able to witness the Pataatu ship going up in flames one final time. Just another wreck above this  devestated world.

The Chiss Ascendancy: Enemy UnkownWhere stories live. Discover now