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The morning hadn't been as he had expected it. Instead of the usual meetings , they'd had an emergency one. Up earlier than expected, and in the throne room for hours trying to prevent a war between two neighboring villages. His High Priests were on their way to solve the issues, all besides Mahad and Isis, who had chosen to deal with last minute dealings within the Palace if a war did begin.

Atem let out a sigh, shifting in his seat and looking out around the room. The commotion and cluster of people was broken up by now; and no more than a few guards, his Priests, and neighboring nobles were left in the room. He'd helped with the meeting in a way, suggesting more diplomatic means to even out both sides of the argument, but he didn't trust this to last. One side involved was the village that resides near where Kul Elna once stood, and the evil that rested upon that land had only seemed to seep over into the net village.

His eyes coasted out to where a guard was now approaching him. Had his plan not worked? Was there already a war beginning? How would he get word to Yugi if there was? The young Pharaoh sat upright in his seat, waiting to hear what the guard had to say.

The guard moved down to his knee, his head down for a few seconds in greeting to his king, before rising. " My Pharaoh, two boys have requested an audience with you. They go by the names Yugi and Heba Moto. Should I escort them inside?"

So he'd come! Atem thought, rising from his throne and walking past the guard. "No need, I'll be greeting them at the palace gates myself. Decline any others who show up at the gates today, I will not be taking any more audiences"

The guard picked up his pace, walking just behind the King. Atem reached the gates, and sent a signal for them to open. A silly grin was on his face as he waited, fingers fidgeting with his Puzzle. He was nervous, he could feel the blush taking over his face; butt he was excited. The King hadn't expected to see Yugi so soon, but he'd soak up all the time he could with his new friend.

"Yugi, Heba; welcome to the Palace." he spoke when the gates had opened, his eyes spotting the two sitting in the sand. "I'd not expected to see you both so soon, but I am so grateful you have come."

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