{Something Stupid} Katsuki x Reader

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♡︎ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ♡︎

♡︎ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ♡︎

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♡︎ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ♡︎

Katsuki Bakugo and Y/n L/n has been dating for about 3 weeks, when they had finally gone on their first date. It was a spring break, and Katsuki brought Y/n on a picnic. Y/n held onto his arm tightly, and smiled brightly at his annoyed expression. 

Katsuki held onto the basket, and placed it onto the table. "Can we eat on the floor? I don't wanna eat on the table, sitting in the grass feels nice. I'm gonna sit on the ground, you don't have to if you don't want to--" He groaned, and covered her mouth.

"God, shut up! Just sit where ever the hell you want, Y/n!" She smiled against his hand, before she licked it and his eyes went wide. 

"GOD! EW!" He rubbed his hand on Y/n's dress skirt. Y/n loudly laughed, and grabbed the blanket to lay on the ground. She sat down, and tapped the ground. He sighed, and sat down next to her. 

"What do you want to eat first?" She bit her lip, and looked into the basket. "The sweet foods of course!" She reached for the sweets, and Katsuki slapped her hand away. 

"OWIE!" Y/n grabbed her wrist, and glared at him. He smirked at her face, before grabbing a sandwich and handed it to her. Y/n sighed, and took a bite of it. 

"Oh! I started watching this new series, I mean, it's old. But it's new to me, it's called Hunger Games! I'm already watched all the movies 3 times!" She started rambling about it, talking with her hands a lot. 

Katsuki watched her talk, a very small smile spreading across his lips. Watching her talk made him.. happy. Her rambles weren't annoying, and he was able to make out every word she says. Y/n took a deep breathe, and continued to talk.

"You should totally watch it with me, I'd love to watch it with you. I promise not to talk while it plays" Katsuki scoffed, and shook his head. "You know damn fucking well, you're going to talk" She laughed, and held onto her stomach before taking another bite of her food. 

"No need to call me out like that, Kat!" His cheeks dusted with pink, and turned his head away. Y/n giggled, and placed her hands on her knees.. staying up at the clouds. 

"Did you know that clouds are actually insanely heavy? Clouds are constantly pushing on each other, and having the rain droplets that are pushing each other as well!" Katsuki turned his head back to her, listening to the facts.

God, her voice made him feel like he was in another world. His angry eyes dropped to a soft, caring gaze. "You know.." He muttered, and Y/n quickly stopped talking to listen to him.

He sighed, and groaned. "I don't know how to say this" Y/n tilted her head, and leaned forward a bit. 

"Ugh! Why are you so hard to talk to?" She giggled, and her cheeks were pink. Y/n placed her hands on her cheeks, and nodded her head. "I'll stay quiet, and I'll listen to you" He let out a deep breathe, and looked down at his legs.

"You make me.. feel" She nodded her head, and looked into his red eyes. "God.. you make me feel like I'm a real hero" Y/n's eyes dropped, but her smile remind the same. "Yeah?" Y/n whispered, and he nodded his head.

"You make me feel real" She smiled warmly, and pulled him into a hug.. "You are real" His eyes went wide, and he clung onto the back of her dress.

"I've got you.. I've got you" She whispered, and rubbed his back. Before he pushed himself back, and let out a breathe.

"Can I say something stupid?" Katsuki whispered, and stared into her eyes. She smiled, and nodded her head. "Of course you can"

"I love you" Y/n's eyes went wide, and kissed his nose. "Can I say something stupid?" He laughed, and jokingly glared at her. "You always say something stupid!" She scoffed, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I love you too" He happily sighed, before they continued to eat the food in a very.. talkative afternoon.

♡︎ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ ~ ʚĭɞ♡︎

FINALLY DONE!! I'm so sorry! <3

requested by: Everwhore_13

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