chapter one

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Starla's POV

I grew up knowing that I was protected no matter what. My dad was known for his crimes and his money. It was because of his money that no one touched him. That and they were afraid of him. He wasn't a scary person, not to me. But I guess others didn't know him like I knew him. I knew that my dad would take care of me no matter what it takes.

At a young age, I was taught that one day, I would take over the family business. I remember at twelve years old sitting at the huge dining room table in our home. Just me and Daddy. He would go over the whole estate with me. Tell me how things should be run and how to budget out everything.

"Are you paying attention, Starla?" he asked

I wasn't my mind was on going outside and playing with my friends.

"Yes, Daddy,"

"You have to pay attention Starla, one day, all this will be yours,"

"Don't patronize her, Aaron," Momma says

He looks up at her. "I'm not patronizing her. I'm perpearing her," he tells her

She smiles at him as she leans down, kissing his cheek. "She's still young, let her live her life."

He smiles at her, pulling her down into his lap. "Maybe there's still time to make that little boy."

"Ewe," I say, They both laugh, looking at me. "May I go now?"

"Yes, but remember what I tell you," Daddy says

I jump up, giving both a kiss on the cheek. I ran out to go see my best friend.

It is part of my everyday lesson. To sit in the dining room with daddy and learn from him.

I was a smart person, or at least I thought so. Made good grades in school. Mom taught me how to drive when I truned fifteen. And on my sixteenth birthday, dad bought my first car. I was a little spoiled, but not to the point where I thought everyone had to bow to me, and everything was handed down to me. Dad made sure I knew I had to work for what I get.

It was this year my senior year that everything was going to change. It was the beginning of spring. And close to graduation. We were all excited. All I had to do was get my diploma and start my first year of college. I was taking a business course next semester.  Then, I furthered my education in business down the road. But now the excitement was around graduation.

"Are you paying attention, Starla?" dad asked

We sit at the dining room table going over budgets and business cuts. My mind was on the dress I had picked out for tonight's event. My graduation dinner party.

"Yes, dad," I tell him

"You excited about graduation?" he asked


"I know it's very important, but this is very important too,"

"I know, Daddy,"

"One day, you will take over Starla. You need to know how to handle everything. "

I smile. "You have taught me well, Daddy. And even though it may seem I haven't paid much attention over the years, I promise I have heard you"

He smiles. His once black hair is truning a little more salty. He had a great figure to be his age. His eyes are a soft blue. He always wore a nice dress shirt and khaki pants. My dad was a great looking man. I understand what my mom saw in him.

"It's about time to be getting ready, Starla," mom says, coming in

She always looked younger than she was. Long flowly black hair and beautiful green eyes. She's a small woman, she likes to wear dresses and have her nails done.

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