Chapter Two

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Emre Shore

After promising that he could come over another day to play with Jinx, Luke freed the cat and followed his brothers to their room to gather their things. A knock sounded on the door a few minutes later. I opened it, my sister-in-law greeted me with a smile. I wrapped her in a loose hug, her swollen belly making it difficult. I grinned, asking how she was feeling. She let out a heavy breath, “I’m not sure this one is ever going to come.” I let out a low chuckle. She was several weeks from her due date and the anticipation of meeting her first daughter was beginning to be too much. The boys came back a moment later, James and Luke hugging her. She grabbed James’ chin, examining the yellow bruise that was still under his eye. She let a breath. “Come on, your dad’s at home.” She smiled at me, as the boys started down the sidewalk to the car. “Thanks, Em.” I smiled back at her,

“No problem.” I said, closing the door behind her. I quickly changed out of my pajamas. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail as I walked back into the living room, where Mac was handing out assignments.

“Calub, can you take Tommy down to the morgue? I know there are reports, but I’d like to have an in-person account.” Calub nodded, jingling his car keys as he and Tommy headed for the door. Mac checked his watch, looking at Gator. “The sun will be in the danger zone in a few hours, so go over any witness statements for now. Tonight, you’ll walk the scenes where the boys were taken.” Gator nodded, grabbing the paperwork, and headed back up to the safety of the attic. “Anna, Detective Garrett, will you wait outside?” They both nodded, Jinx quietly following them. Mac looked at me, as the door closed. I felt my face fall, as I remembered I was still on leave. I could not help with the case. He sighed and reached inside his suit jacket pocket, pulling out a folded paper. “I talked to the Director. She said your doctor and therapist have both cleared you. She also believed you would have a home advantage.” I couldn’t hold back the grin that pulled at the corners of my mouth. He pointed the paper at me. “But…” I shallowed, “She left it up to me to put you on this case.” I took a deep breath. I remembered Mac pulling me from the Butcher’s den. How he rushed me to the waiting ambulance and didn’t leave my side in the hospital. It had also been him to see me off when I came home. We talked every week since. I put my head down, silently hoping he had decided to let me on. He sighed, “If I do, I have one condition.” I nodded. “You must tell me if this case becomes too much.” I started nodding in agreement. He shook his head. “I mean it, Emre. If I get even the slightest inkling that you’re in a bad way and you don’t tell me, I will pull you from this faster than you can fly. Understand?” I inhaled, the nightmares surfaced in my mind, but the need to be on this case was stronger. I pushed the thoughts away, nodding.

“I understand, sir.” His eyes searched mine, trying to find some secret he no doubt knew I was hiding. After a moment, he released his breath and handed me the paper.

“Take Anna to the most recent recovery sight. Maybe there’s something there she can pick up on that’ll tell us about the son of bitch doing this.” He put his hand on my shoulder as I started to walk away, his voice dropped to a whisper. “The nightmares never go away, but you do learn to live with them.” I shallowed, before nodding and going out to meet the others. Anna greeted me with a smile, her eyes dropping down to the paper I still had in my hand. Bryan looked at it too.

“Does that mean you’re back?” Anna asked. I nodded, smiling. “Oh, that’s great.” She hugged me, Jinx meowed, I guessed in agreement. I looked at Bryan. His face was blank. His light blue eyes searched mine just as Mac had a moment ago. I cleared my throat,

“Mac wants us to take Anna to the most recent recovery site. He thinks maybe she’ll be able to pick up on something.” He nodded and held his arm out, motioning me to go ahead of him. Anna got into the passenger seat, with Jinx on her lap, and Bryan somehow managed to fit his long legs into the back, behind me. I got into the driver’s seat. Every cell in my body seemed overly aware of the man that sat behind me, as I backed out onto the road.

The park where Matthew Andrews had been found was on the other side of the city. We pulled into the parking lot nearly twenty-five-minutes later. Yells of joy could be heard from children as they played on the playground. Parents were scattered around the playground, sitting on benches, others pushed their child on the swings, enjoying the fresh Saturday morning air. Many of them had no idea that a child had been found just yards from them, beaten, and robbed of their life. The three of us walked together to the edge of a wooded area. The back part of the park was surrounded by dense trees and plants. I remembered coming here with my brothers and sister, playing tag in the trees. The area was known for its expansive trails, making it popular among joggers. Anna stopped just before the entrance trail, bending down, and scooping up Jinx. Hugging the cat close, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I felt the wind pick up. It swirled around Anna, tugging at her air. I pulled my jacket tighter around me as her magic danced across my body. I noticed the slightest feeling of discomfort tense Bryan’s body before he quickly shrugged it off.

“The boy was found…” Bryan started to say but was cut off as Anna started forward. We followed Anna as she slowly walked down the trail. She muttered as she walked.

“Next left.” she said. We followed as she turned. After calling out the three next turns, Bryan whispered,

“How does she know?” I grinned.

“Haven’t had much experience with psychics, huh?” He shook his head,

“Only one. She wasn’t much of a psychic though.” I study him out of the corner of my eye, wondering if this woman had been an ex. I was surprised at the jealousy I felt at the idea. I pushed the feeling away and looked at Anna.

“Her abilities allow her to get into the mind of a person. Feel what they feel, see what they see, even access their memories. It’s easier if she has an object belonging to the person, something meaningful.”

“Is that how…” He stopped before he could get the whole question out, but I knew what he was going to say. “I apologize. I shouldn’t…” I shook my head.

“No, it’s okay.” I looked at Anna, who continued along, muttering words I couldn’t understand. “It is.” I chuckled a little, clearing my throat. “A painting my nephew did.” He put his hands in his pockets.

“Well, I’m glad you’re doing better.” I looked at him. Surprise flashed across his face before he was able to mask it. “I mean, because of your family. You all seem close.” I nodded, pretending not to notice. We walked in silence after that, following Anna as she took several turns onto different trails. After what seemed like an hour, she veered off the trail. It only took a minute before we came to a clearing. Police tape still roped off the area. Bryan and I stayed back as Anna ducked under the type and began walking. Stopping every so often in different spots. She ducked under the tape on the other side of the clearing, disappearing into more trees. I hugged myself. The air seemed heavier here, as though the woods knew what had happened and what was left.

“We’re not far from the trail.” Bryan nodded in agreement.

“All of them have been left in well-traveled, public places. Whoever is doing this wants them found.” After a while Anna turned, coming back. The wind rushed and Jinx jumped from her arms. Bryan straightened as she approached. She let out a heavy sigh, disappointment on her face.

“Sorry, I didn’t get much. Just that whoever it was came down this way, put the boy down and left that way.” She pointed towards the way she came back from.

“Damn.” Bryan whispered.

“I might be able to get more if I had something. Something from the killer, or maybe one of the boys?” I sighed,

“Let’s head back.” They nodded in agreement, following me as I headed back to the trail. As we walked, I kept looking over my shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” Anna asked? I shook my head.

“Nothing.” I lied. Bryan looked at me and I knew he felt it too. We were being watched.

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