part i : the meaning

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"alive" isn't just a song.

it's a journey through
the human experience.

a melody that resonates
with the deepest parts
of our souls.

it's like a friend reaching out,
sharing their own struggles and triumphs,
and offering us a hand to hold
along the way.

with every verse,
it's as if he was whispering his
story into our ears,
inviting us to step into his world
and feel what he feels.

when the chorus hits,
it's like a wave of emotion
washing over us,
stirring something
deep within.

the music swells and soars,
lifting our spirits and filling us
with a sense of hope
and possibility.

it's a reminder that
no matter how tough things may seem,
there's always a reason to keep going,
to keep fighting,
to keep believing
in ourselves.

in the bridge,
there's a moment of quiet reflection;
a chance to pause
and take stock of all the beauty
and wonder that surrounds us.

it's a reminder to slow down,
to breathe,
to appreciate the simple joys
of life.

in a world that's always
rushing forward,
"alive" offers us a moment of stillness,
a chance to reconnect with ourselves
and with each other.

and as the song comes to an end,
we're left with a feeling of gratitude
and awe.

"alive" isn't just a song
i wrote four years ago;
it's a gift,
a reminder of the magic
and mystery of being

it's a testament to the power of music
to touch our hearts and souls,
to lift us up and carry us through
even the darkest of times.

as long as we have
music like this to guide us,
we know that we'll never be alone
on this journey called "life".

it's an anthem i made
for people who struggle with life,
as i did when this song
happened to born.

we have to be
that helping hand
to people that have not
found their meaing.

we have to help them
to find why they are here,
alive in this world.

"alive" stands as a hymn
for people that are alive outside
but not internally.

we have to find the sense
of the life in the little things:
water, light, air and fire,
this elements are the components
of our bodies.

feeling alive is the most
beautiful thing you'll ever
you just have to learn
how to live it.

we are here
because we have a duty;
a job we have to do,
a task that needs to be fulfilled.

life and love
are the most beautiful things,
learn to have them,
they are default things
included in our existence.

"alive" is our anthem;
for us as humans.

being a human is difficult,
i know.

i can tell you
how hard it is
for me.

but push forward,
life is short.

you got no time
for doing what other people
wants you to do,
do what you want,
life is one.

go out
and live.

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