Chapter 7: What Happen to Luna?

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Luna, The former Queen of Insomnia was met with a pdilemma. She was forced to take refuge in the Dream Abyss after her realm was shattered by the Dream Shatter. Once a Dream Warrior, Luna decided to blend in with the Remnents. Luna once married to a Dream Aid, had beared a child name Alluxia. After the Rem Wars, Luna met began teaching Alluxia the magic of Nightmare Weaving and the power of Nightmare Wave. Alluxia didn't care too much for these lessons and began tuning her out. "Mom, please shut up about Nightmareweaving it's so lame!"

Luna sighed, her heart heavy with the weight of her daughter's disinterest. She paused, looking into Alluxia's eyes with a mix of sadness and determination. "Alluxia, I know it may seem boring to you now, but Nightmare Weaving is not just a skill, it's a legacy, a part of who we are. It's what makes us strong, what gives us the power to survive in this ever-changing world."

Alluxia rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defiantly. "I don't want to be like you, Mom. I want to forge my own path, one that doesn't rely on ancient magic and tales of the past."

Luna's heart sank at her daughter's words, but she refused to give up. "You have a gift, Alluxia, a gift that has been passed down through generations. You may not see it now, but one day, you will realize the importance of embracing your heritage."

With a frustrated huff, Alluxia stormed out of the room, leaving Luna alone with her thoughts. She knew it wouldn't be easy to convince her daughter, but she was determined to help Alluxia realize her true potential, no matter what it took.

Luna sat in silence for a moment, her mind racing with worry and determination. She couldn't let Alluxia dismiss her heritage so easily, not when their survival depended on it. Rising from her seat, Luna made her way to the training grounds where Alluxia often retreated to when she needed space.

She found Alluxia sitting cross-legged on the ground, her back facing Luna as she stared out into the distance. Luna approached slowly, her footsteps echoing softly in the empty space.

"Alluxia," Luna began gently, "I know you're frustrated, but please, hear me out."

Alluxia remained silent, but Luna could sense her daughter's tension.

"I understand that Nightmare Weaving may not seem exciting to you right now, but it's so much more than just a skill. It's a part of our identity, our strength as Dream Warriors. And in this world, we need every ounce of strength we can muster."

Alluxia finally turned to face her mother, her expression a mixture of defiance and uncertainty. "But why does it have to be Nightmare Weaving? Why can't I choose my own path?"

Luna sighed, kneeling down in front of Alluxia and taking her hands gently in her own. "You can choose your own path, Alluxia, but it's important to understand where you come from, to embrace your heritage. Nightmare Weaving is a gift, a powerful tool that has been passed down through our bloodline for generations. It's what sets us apart, what makes us who we are."

Alluxia looked into her mother's eyes, searching for any hint of doubt or deception. But all she found was unwavering love and determination.

After a moment of silence, Alluxia nodded slowly, a flick of understanding crossing her features. "Okay, Mom. I'll give Nightmare Weaving another chance."

Luna smiled, relief flooding her heart. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but with Alluxia by her side, she was confident they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.

Three months later, Luna hears a loud explosion from the gate of the Rem city of Swirl Lake. It was non other than The Dream shatterer. Luna's heart skipped a beat as the sound of the explosion echoed through the city, sending waves of panic and fear rippling through the Remnants. She knew all too well what that sound meant – the Dream Shatterer had returned.

Without hesitation, Luna sprang into action, her instincts as a former Dream Warrior kicking in. She raced towards the gate of Swirl Lake, her mind racing with thoughts of protecting her people and her daughter.

As she reached the gate, her worst fears were confirmed. The Dream Shatterer stood before her, his dark presence casting a shadow over the city. Luna's hands clenched into fists as she prepared to face the enemy once again.

"Alluxia!" Luna called out, scanning the chaos for her daughter. She spotted Alluxia standing among the other Remnants, her eyes wide with fear but her stance determined.

"Alluxia, stay back!" Luna shouted, knowing that her daughter's safety was paramount.

But Alluxia shook her head defiantly. "I'm not a child anymore, Mom. I can fight too."

Luna hesitated for a moment, torn between her instinct to protect her daughter and her knowledge that Alluxia was capable of holding her own. With a nod of determination, Luna turned back to face the Dream Shatterer, her resolve unwavering.

Together, mother and daughter stood side by side, ready to defend their home against the greatest threat they had ever known.

As Luna and Alluxia fought fiercely against the Dream Shatterer, their efforts seemed futile against his overwhelming power. With each strike, Luna felt her strength waning, her heart heavy with the weight of impending defeat.

"Alluxia, we have to keep fighting!" Luna shouted, desperation lacing her voice as she parried blow after blow.

But Alluxia's gaze flickered, torn between loyalty to her mother and the seductive promises of power whispered by the Dream Shatterer.

"I can't, Mom," Alluxia whispered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "He... he's offering me everything I've ever wanted. Power, recognition... I can't turn away from that."

Luna's heart shattered at her daughter's words, betrayal cutting through her like a knife. "Alluxia, no! You can't trust him. He'll destroy everything you hold dear."

But Alluxia's resolve seemed to harden, her eyes flashing with determination as she stepped back, her gaze fixed on the Dream Shatterer.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Alluxia said softly, her voice barely audible over the chaos of battle. "But I have to do this."

With a sense of finality, Alluxia turned away, joining forces with the Dream Shatterer and unleashing her powers against her own mother.

Luna's heart broke as she faced her daughter, the pain of betrayal mingling with the agony of defeat. With one final, desperate cry, Luna launched herself at the Dream Shatterer, knowing that her efforts were in vain.

As the darkness closed in around her, Luna felt her body shatter into a million pieces, her essence scattering into the void. And with her fall, the realm of Rem fell into the clutches of the Dream Shatterer, his laughter echoing through the shattered remains of what once was home.

Alluxia had stood before the Remnants and shouted Alluxia's proclamation sent shockwaves through the Remnants, their faces twisted in a mixture of disbelief and horror. They had looked to Luna as their leader, their queen, but now, faced with Alluxia's betrayal, they were left adrift, unsure of what to do.

"Alluxia, how could you?" one of the Remnants cried out, his voice filled with anguish and betrayal.

But Alluxia's expression remained cold and impassive, her eyes gleaming with newfound power. "You fools. You were always too weak to see the truth. The Dream Shatterer offers us power beyond anything Luna could have ever imagined. With him, we can reshape the universe in our image."

A murmur of uncertainty rippled through the crowd, some Remnants swayed by Alluxia's words while others remained steadfast in their loyalty to Luna.

"Alluxia, this is madness!" another Remnant shouted, her voice trembling with anger. "Luna gave everything to protect us, and you would throw it all away for the promise of power?"

But Alluxia merely scoffed, her gaze sweeping over the crowd with disdain. "You're all so blinded by your loyalty to Luna that you can't see the truth. The Dream Shatterer is our salvation, our ticket to true power. Anyone who opposes us will be crushed beneath our heel."

With those chilling words, Alluxia turned away from the Remnants, her followers falling into step behind her as they began to march towards their dark destiny. And as they disappeared into the darkness, the shattered remnants of Luna's robe lay scattered at their feet, a grim reminder of the price of betrayal.

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