~ male reader ~

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Once he was fully on top of you you slowly grabbed his hand and moved it towards your chest then said "my body is yours to explore~" you saying that sparked something inside him he let out a soft growl before taking off your shirt then leaning into your neck softly biting your neck as his hands roamed your body his left hand stopped at your nipple and his right stopping at your crotch he slowly rubbed your crotch sending waves of pleasure through your body his cold metal hand on your nipple feeling so fucking good and his occasional bites on your neck was almost enough to make you cum before you know it he slowly slides his hands off your crotch to unbutton your pants once he gets them unbuttoned the sits up and takes your pants completely off leaving you only in your boxers he looks at your body like a predator looking at its prey it turned you on even more as you thought about him fucking you until you can't walk anymore before you can even say what you where going to he takes off your boxers the cold air hitting your cock making you gasp and try to cover your cock he grabs your hands and pins them above you "don't even think about it darling~" those words shot straight to your dick as he looks around for something before just taking off his belt then taking off some of the things on it then using it to keep your wrist together "look at your darling ain't you just a piece of art" he leaned back and slowly trailed his hand down your body stopping just right above your cock making you let out a soft whine he chuckled then slowly took off his vest then his pants revealing that he wasn't wherein any boxers at all but you don't mind it just means less clothes for him to take off once he's done taking off all his clothes the crawls back onto you and says "if you want me to fuck you you better beg for it~" he was slightly surprised that he could actually swear now I guess the usb drive messed with his system more then he thought but he doesn't mind just means he can do a bit more now you looked into his eyes "please!!~ I need you!!!~...... I'll be a good boy!!!" Your dick twitched in anticipation of what would happen next "tsk tsk tsk your going to have to do better then that darling~" you let out a whine before sighing then looking at him with puppy eyes and say "please boothill...... I'll be a good boy I'll do anything for you I'll do anything!!!......... I'll be such a good boy!!!! Please!!!~" he smirked before grabbing one of your legs and throwing it over his shoulder he looked at you before slowly pushing two fingers into your hole as he pushed his fingers in you let out a moan once he heard the moan he curled his fingers on trying to find your g spot and once he finds it he abuses the spot until your a moaning panting mess one he thinks your stretched out enough he pulls his fingers out you whimper in response missing the feeling of his finger inside you "aww does my little slut miss my fingers?~" you don't say anything just slightly nod "don't worry darling because I'm going to fill you with something better here in a few seconds~" you heart practically skipped a beat at the thought of him putting his dick inside you he slowly lifted your other leg up and onto his shoulder before positioning himself at your hole then looked at you "you ready darling?~" as he said that he leaned forwards towards you you eagerly nod ready for him to finally fuck you he slowly pushed himself inside "fuck!!!~" you moaned as he finally entered you your cock starting to leak a bit of precum leaked out of the tip as he slowly started thrusting inside your eager hole gods was his dick good you never want him to stop he grabbed onto your thighs to get a better hold so he could start thrusting faster and that he did it wasn't super fast but it was fast enough that he hit your prostrate with each thrust now sending waves of pleasure through your body you never wanted this to end "enjoying this darling? because I know I am~" he started thrusting harder as he leaned closer to you pressing your legs against your chest "fuck your hole is so tight!!!~" he reached up and slowly rubbed his fingers on your lip before slipping his fingers in your mouth forcing your mouth open "I wanna hear you moan like the little slut you are~" you moan around his fingers as he continues to fuck you like crazy he then uses his other hand to play with your nipple "look at your hole hungrily taking my cock~" he slowly pulled out and flipped you over and untied your hands so you could support yourself before pushing his cock back inside you faster and harder then before basically plowing you into the bed but you could care less at this point you where to caught up in your own pleasure "look at you your so adorable taking my cock like it's nothing~...... I can't wait to make you cum over and over again~" you could already feel your orgasm building up inside yourself this feeling is addictive almost to addictive...... you finally get pulled out of your thoughts once he grabs your hair and pulls your head up "I wanna hear your moans so don't muffle them in the pillow~" you didn't even realize that you where muffling your moans with the pillow with one final thrust he cummed throwing you over the edge of your orgasm you could feel him painting your walls with his cum you splattering cum on the bed......... once both you and him calmed down from your orgasm he picked you up and took you to the bathroom and started a warm bath for you once he sets you in the tub he goes and grabs new sheets from your closet and gets you a new pair of clothes he sets your new clothes on the sink then changes the sheets then once you where don cleaning yourself he grabbed you a towel and dried you off then left the room so you can get dressed as he slowly picked his clothes up off the floor you walked out of the bathroom "I have some clothes in my closet that might fit you" you say to him as he walks closer to your closet finding some clothes that fit and puts them on then remembers that the usb is still plugged into his side so he unplugs it and sets it on your desk before laying down in the bed with you......

Holy cow that was a lot to write but her it was fun!! Also there is going to be a fem version posted but that is going to be posted later on bc it's literally 11:00 rn as I'm writing this so I'm very tired but I wanted to get this posted for y'all fastest I've ever posted 2 parts to a fanfic lol also plz do go check out the artist that I got this idea from @yeobosanme0w on ticktock!! <3

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