Chapter 2

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-Authors note-
- Hey everyone! So chapter two may turn out kinda funky since I'm still trying to find out where the plot is going to take us.
-Oh! And Aomine makes his entrance. Yay!
-So there's gonna be a few flaws. Well... Way more than a few, but I hope you can overlook them for now. Thank you!
-Sooo, without further adoo~

Chapter 2


Aomine was having a bad day. No. Beyond that. It was a shitty fucking day. It seems like misfortune just had to show up and make his peaceful day into a total pain.

He woke up late, again. It was fucking cold. The first snowfall had come last night which added to his struggle to wake. Well, that wasn't usually a problem except for the fact that it was the one day he actually had to show up for class because of a test that could make or break this school year for him. To add on, he couldn't find his coat so he had to go in just his uniform (Which was NOT warming).

Satsuki got angry at him. Again. Which led to Aomine spending his precious lunch time running around looking for her. Which he did, of course she was with his long time friend, Tetsu.

After he found her she then decided that to make it up to her Aomine would have to accompany her shopping after school. Which sucked. Big time.

While they were out, some douche felt Satsuki up which really pissed Aomine the fuck off. He got into a fight where his lip got busted and he nearly shifted. Again. If Satsuki hadn't coaxed him away, he would have. Thank god for the girl. She has saved him too many times to count.

She and Tetsu are the only ones who know about Aomine being a werecat. Them and of course his parents who are also werecats. It runs in the family. And speaking of parents, Aomine's weren't at all pleased with his actions even if they were to protect Satsuki. Ok. He'll admit he might have gone a little over board, but come on. It's Satsuki. She's like his sister so obviously he's gonna be protective.

But anyways, Aomine got into a fight with his parents which resulted in him storming out of the house and now wandering around when it's so late at night. What a shitty fucking day.

Aomine continued to walk down the dark streets, still fuming about the stupid events that had to happen. When he heard faint dribbles of a basketball. Aomine would recognize that sound anywhere. He used to love basketball more than anything. More than shifting. More than boobs. Now that's saying something. But because he was so skilled in it, no one could ever measure up or give him a good competition. Maybe it was because he was a werecat that his physical capabilities were beyond anyone elses. Either way, he started to hate basketball for it.

Aomine decided to check it out.

He began to walk aimlessly towards the sounds. And he walked it became louder. A set of shoes scrapping on the ground became audible as well. Quickly pace and timed well with the ball. But then.


Even more curious, Aomine jogged up ahead to where he then discovered a small court. It was slightly run down with faded paint and chipped backboards, but still playable nonetheless.

Aomine made it just in time to see one of the most amazinf dunks he'd ever seen. It was a boy who looked around Aomine's age who was tall (Just a little shorter than himself), broad shoulders, and what really stood out was the odd colored hair. It was a deep shade of red topping a dark shade of black underneath.

The boy ran and jumped what seemed way too early. In no way was he going to make it, but after he took flight it WS incredible to watch. He flew through the air with such grace and just seemed to keep getting higher and farthe until slam. A perfect dunk followed by a perfect landing. Aomine was thoroughly impressed.

The redhead jogged after the bal that had rolled off and picked it up.

He finally turned around so Aomine could see his face. Immediately he noticed the fiery shade of red in the boy's eyes. Unconsciously, Aomine pulled himself back behind the corner before he was spotted. Why? He wasn't sure.

The boy's once aggressive eyes faded and was replaced by a saddened look as he stared out onto the empty court. Somehow, Aomine felt as though he understood. The boy's eyes were lonely.

Aomine continued to stare at the features on the redhead, admiring, until something glistened on his face. To the naked eye nobody could see it in the dark, but with Aomine's wercat eyes, he could see clearly. He was crying.

A cold breeze raked over the court pushing against Aomine's body. He caught the redheads scent. He closed his eyes and breathed it in. It was sweet, almost like baked goods, warm and comforting. But it had a certain twist to it, something Aomine knew well. All of them, including Aomine, had a distinct scent that is only visible to fellow werecats. And this boy had it.

Aomine opened his eyes again, refocusing on the redhead after hearing the drop of the ball.

The boy had let the ball roll away again and had pulled his hands attempting to swat away the tears. But it didn't help. Those were replaced by more.

The pained epression on his face made Aomine's heart clench.

The redhead dropped to his knees and hunched forward with his face in his hands. His shoulders shook as sobs forced their ways out.

Suddenly nothing mattered. Aomine's shitty day, the brisk weather, and the cut on his lip. None of it mattered anymore. All Aomine cared about were the soft cries of a complete stranger, alone on a basketball court. The tears of of a fellow classmate flowing freely, alone on a basketball court. The pain of a werecat, alone on a basketball court. And Aomine couldn't stand it.

He wouldn't let him be alone anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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