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song recommendation: last kiss by taylor swift

"first of all, you owe heera an apology for screaming like that in front of her. she's just a kid, we're the adults here." jay's facial expression was completely still and his nostrils flared. it was only rare occasions that he had gotten this angry at his wife.

sena, slightly taken back by this side of him, rolled her eyes with a nod. she knew she shouldn't have acted that way in front of her but that seemed like the only thing jongseong was paying attention to. he hadn't acknowledged her questions this entire time.

"okay, i will. but you need to tell me where the hell you went missing to." she looked back at the man with narrowed eyes. 

"what? you're acting like you have something else to say." jongseong didn't like the underlining tone in her voice. as if she was accusing him of something he didn't do.

"answer the question. why are you being dodgy?"

"i'm not being 'dodgy', i'm confused on what you're trying to get at." 

he didn't like being accused of things he didn't do, so he wanted to know exactly what she was insinuating. 

"answer the fucking question, park jongseong." sena was absolutely fed up with the games he was playing. she asked one question and it wasn't a hard one.

"i was at kim sunoo's house. there, you can stop accusing me unreasonably." he laid back onto the bed and closed his eyes. it was nice to lay in a bed after two weeks of sleeping on a couch.

"kim sunoo? why do you suddenly spend more time with him than your own wife?" her eyebrows furrowed.

"that's enough, sena." jay's eyes opened and he slowly raised up into a sitting position. 

she was taking this conversation way too far. 

"am i wrong? you were literally making plans with him at dinner, right in front of me. and now you're leaving in the middle of the night to spend the night at his house? you never did that with heeseung." she egged on further

jay's feelings were so close to erupting from the darkest parts of him if she continued to speak. she was overwhelming him and pushing him past his limits of how much he could take.

"can you stop?" he brought his hands to his temples and tried to sooth his approaching headache.

"it's weird how he randomly shows up and now it's like you're married to him and not to me-" she continued on.

"fucking stop! i said that's enough!!" his voice erupted into a storming roar. 

and there it was. 

his fuse had finally been set to flame.

stillness lingered in the air.

sena's eyelashes fluttered in shock. jongseong had never raised his voice to her in this manner before.

"i don't know what you want from me sena. i really don't." his demeanor slumped down from being angry, to being hurt and frustrated. he was frustrated with everything.

jay allowed himself to break down now. the tears ricocheted as he burried his face into his hands. 

sena was speechless to say the least.

 "i can never do the right thing , and i'm sorry about that, okay? i'm sorry that i'm not the best husband. but isn't this too much?" he continued to let every last teardrop fall. 

"sunoo has been a good friend and i'm sorry i left. i needed to clear my head." he whipped his tears with his sweater. 

she had finally broken him.

"i know you're not happy. it kills me that everyday i live my life knowing that you're unhappy because of me. it's not what i want. all i want is for you to be happy.." he looked up at her with bloodshot eyes. 

"ever since high school, i thought that i could make a world just for the two of us. maybe that world doesn't exist..." the last sentence came out more like a whisper but sena heard it.

"what are we even fighting for? what's left?" 

these were the questions that had been racking on both of their mind's for a while. but neither wanted to say it out loud and make it a reality.

"i don't know." 

"do you think grandma and grandpa are excited to see me?" eunjoo kicked her legs as she sat happily in her car seat. the two drove from seoul to suwon that afternoon. they couldn't wait any longer.

"of course, my love. they message me all the time for pictures of you." he pulled the vehicle into the familiar driveway of the house he used to call home. although, it still had the same feeling of home.

'knock knock'

the two waited patiently at the door until a woman appearing to be in her early fifties appeared with a warm smile. her long black hair had been checkered with grey strands and her smile lines were deep, displaying all the smiles she's shared with the world. 

"my babies!" she squealed as she immediately pulled sunoo into a long embrace. she hadn't seen her only son in so many months that her tears couldn't help but to fall.

"i missed you so much." she whispered into the hold. 

sunoo's eyes couldn't help but to replicate a filling pool of water when he heard his mother's voice. 

i think no matter how old you are, you will always want your mom.

"i missed you too mom." the tears trickled down their faces as they stood there. 

after their reunion, the woman unlatched herself from her son to look at the little girl that looked up at her with the biggest smile that she missed so dearly.

"you've gotten so big." the tears continued to pour even more as she stared at her granddaughter. 

sunoo had his mother's eyes and eunjoo had sunoo's eyes. it was like seeing her own reflection in the people she loved the most.

she picked up eunjoo who rested her head onto the woman's shoulder. 

the three of them finally entered the home to see sunoo's dad quietly reading a book in the family room.

as the male realized people were standing in the entry way, he took off his reading glasses and rushed over to greet the ones he least expected to see.

"my boy..." he said in disbelief as he pulled his son into a bone crushing hug. 

their hug didn't last as long as the first one sunoo received from his mother, but sunoo didn't mind as he seen the pure delight on his father's face at the sight of eunjoo.

"joo joo!" he swiftly swooped the girl from the woman and twirled the both of them in a circle. 

laughter and glee was present throughout the home. 

there was no better feeling to sunoo than this. 

i miss my mom lol

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