. . . chapter one

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》 Chapter One ; remember when we were in third grade and used to play boyfriend-girlfriend?

Jennifer sat at her vanity, applying a fresh coat of lipstick to her lips as Greenberg entered her room, his hair was disheveled and hands were stuffed into his front pockets, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose as he went to sit on he...

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Jennifer sat at her vanity, applying a fresh coat of lipstick to her lips as Greenberg entered her room, his hair was disheveled and hands were stuffed into his front pockets, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose as he went to sit on her bed.
"You look like shit." She remarked.
He sighed, "Yeah Stiles wanted Scott and me to go with him looking for a dea-"
"Yeah, don't care." The brunette said cutting him off. "I tried calling you, twice." She arched a brow, "you blew me off for tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass?"
Greenberg chuckled, "I didn't bow you off, I'm here. I came as soon a I saw your missed calls." He sighed, "Besides they're my friends too, Jennifer."
"But aren't I your most important friend?" she asked, swiveling around in her seat to face him.
He nodded, "You know you are."
"And yet you left me all alone while you played grab-ass with Ben and Jerry." She huffed.
"Scott and Stiles." Greenberg corrected, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "And I wasn't playing grab-ass with them," he said mocking her tone. "we went looking for a dead body."
She grinned devilishly, "But wouldn't you rather play with me instead?"
Greenberg swallowed hard, clearing his throat but before he could answer Jennifer asked, "Are you coming with me tomorrow night?"
It wasn't a question.
Greenberg knew that much.
He sighed, "I promised I would, didn't I?" he got up and crossed over to her vanity to pull off the printed out picture that was taped to the mirror. "So which one of these guys are you stalking?"
She smiled, "The one in the middle, he's the lead singer. And he's absolutely yummy looking."
Greenberg scrunched up his nose, glaring down at the guy in the center of the picture. It was no secret how he felt about Jennifer, everyone always used to tease him on the playground, calling him Jennifer's shadow because he'd always follow her around like a lost puppy dog.
They had been friends since they were just five years old, it was the first day of kindergarten when Greenberg had just moved to Beacon Hills, he had been nervous about starting school, and when lunch time came, Jackson Whittemore walked over to him and snatched his juice box away, pushing Greenberg to the ground and causing everyone else to laugh.
That was, until a little raven haired girl ran up to him, kicking him straight in the stomach and pushing him to the ground. She grabbed the juice box back from his hands and kicked him in the balls for good measure.
While little five-year-old Jackson laid on the ground crying and holding his private, Jennifer walked back up to Greenberg, handing his juice box back to him.
It was sandbox love from that moment on, and even as they grew up and ran in different crows at school, Jennifer becoming popular, while Greenberg faded into the background, they still remained friends.
But he wanted to be more than just friends.
Something that everyone could see.
Jennifer, however, always said it would never work.
"He looks too old." He remarked, still glaring at the photo.
Jennifer snatched the picture away, "He's twenty-six. He's not that old, besides, you know I don't like high school boys. They're too-" She shot him a sideways glance, "immature."
He tried not to let the comment affect him too much but it was written all over his face that shots had been fired. Jennifer just smiled and sat back down at her vanity. Fixing her already prefect hair and staring at Greenberg through the mirror, he was sitting down on her bed again, staring down at his hands. "You could do better, still." He mumbled.
She turned to face him, "Like?"
He shrugged.
She smiled again, "Remember when we were in third grade and used to play boyfriend-girlfriend?" She asked, walking over to him and straddling him.
Greenberg tensioned under her, nodding slowly.
She brought her lips down to his, stopping just an inch away as she spoke again, "We used to have so much fun, didn't we?" She whispered.
He nodded again, staring straight at her lips.
She slowly began to grind on him, "Then in eight grade," She said, licking his neck and sending shivers up his spine, "we started exploring each other and kissing in the corners by the back of the school." She smashed her lips against his, they began to kiss each other feverishly. His hands gripping onto her hips as she continued to grind on top of him.
Jennifer pulled back pushing him down on the bed and kissing his neck. Greenberg tried to suppress a moan but couldn't. She smiled against his skin, her hands slowly going down to his pants, she pulled his belt apart and unbuttoned his jeans, sliding her hand inside and stroking him softly.
Another moan leaving his lips when, suddenly, she was gone.
Greenberg opened his eyes and groaned, "I hate when you do that!"
She laughed, "Then stop falling for it, consider it payback for not answering your phone." She sat back down at her vanity. "I already told you, it's never gonna happen. I don't do high school boys. You can leave now." She motioned towards the door.
He grunted, fixing his belt before getting up and exiting the room without another word, feeling like he always did with Jennifer- completely and utterly stupid.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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