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"I, uhh..." You look down, noticing you're harder than you've been in a long time. And Sangwoo could feel it on his leg. "Yeah, I guess I am.."

Sangwoo gives you a sort of blank stare while looking into your eyes, seemingly thinking about something. Hard to explain, sorta like this look.

Yk, the tilted eyebrow thing

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Yk, the tilted eyebrow thing. Oml, it's beautiful.

"Say something..." He says, not breaking eye contact. "W-what?"
"Say something. Something horny, the next dirty thought you have."

You give him a confused look "W-why?" You must be tweekin bro.
"Turn me on, make me hard. You can't be the only one. It's awkward." You began to blush a bit, looking away from him. "Are you sure? There's a lot on my mind right now.." "Yeah." He smiles reassuringly, in a way to make you feel better.

You grab Sangwoo's hand and bring it down to your buldge, sort of rubbing it. You needed a little something to get you going, yk?

It feels so good. This feeling was amazing, you don't feel this very often. At all really. You wanted to give him the same feeling.

After a few seconds of that, you lean your head forward to kiss him. But you don't pull away just yet, you deepen the kiss, make it passionate.

As you're making out with Sangwoo, he continued to rub your buldge, making it pulse under his touch. You let out a soft moan with every pulse. You reached down and rubbed him with your other hand. He wasn't hard yet, so you applied some pressure. When you pressed down on him his breath hitched. That really turned you on, if anything else hadn't. You instinctively grind your hips on his. Moaning as you do so. You could feel him getting hard. You really liked that.

You climb on top of him, still passionately kissing him. You again begin to grind on his hips, going harder in hopes to make Sangwoo as hard as you are. While you grind on him, you can feel him getting harder and harder by the moment.

Your hard dicks touching and rubbing together is almost a pleasure too great to bear, you've got to finish. Both of you do.

But suddenly :o

Sangwoo pushes your chest to get you to sit up, wiping saliva from the sides of his mouth.

"Y/N." He looks at you with a slight smirk on his face. "Yes?" You're so lost in the moment, Sangwoo is the only thing you can think about. Well, besides his huge dick... of course 😃😃
"Can you.. Finish us off?" Damnn, he wants you to finish him off... He wants you to finish you both!

"Of course..." Your speech was quiet and short, the end drifting into a silent inhale ended with a soft moan. That moan was though short lived, being cut off by a louder one as Sangwoo bucks his hips up in impatience.
It felt so good when he did that, the sudden forced pressure put onto your dick followed by you softly bouncing against Sangwoo's dick.

You can't wait anymore, you've gotta do this. Plus, Sangwoo did just ask you to finish. You lean back, reaching down to pull Sangwoo's dick out of his drawers.

(wait why are you guys still wearing them 😭
Whatever, I'm not going back to change a tiny detail in the storyline.)

You glance up at his face, sort of asking permission in a way. He simply replies with a smile. A wide, lustful, needy, sadistic grin.

You look back down at his dick.
It's big.
Very big.
It was big even when he was soft, but it's much bigger now. You can't even wrap your whole hand around it, it's so big.

You open your mouth a bit, licking Sangwoo's tip. It's sort of salty, covered in pre-cum and sweat idfk. You open a bit more and take some of him in. You can't go all at once, yo ass gon choke.
An DIE 💀

As you go back and fourth with that length, you go deeper. You really went as deep as you could without feeling like you were dying.

Yeah, but Sangwoo didn't quite accept that. He suddenly grabbed your hair, forcing your head down to take his entire length.
You then let out a gagged, choked back moan as your eyes effortlessly began to tear up.

"Move your mouth." He's got a totally straight face on while saying that. somehow 💀💀
But you didn't want to disobey, not right now.
Not in this amazing moment.

Anyhow, you begin to move your tongue along his length, twisting and twirling it around his dick. Sangwoo suddenly pulls your head back, a string of your saliva still attached to his tip.

"That's good, but I said move your mouth. Not just your tongue." You looked away, over at the wall or sm shii.
"Sorry. My bad." Sangwoo lets go of your hair and softly grasps your chin, making you look at him.

"I'm your guest here, so I can't be greedy and demanding. I should be the one apologizing." There was a brief moment of silence, before he spoke again. "I'm sorry, Y/N. Is it okay if we go to sleep now?"

You were honestly pretty tired, before you ran into Sangwoo you had already had a pretty rough day. So without warning, you passed out in his lap. Sangwoo carefully lifted your head so he could pull up his drawers, gently putting it back down once he had done so.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

I 101% suck at this 😮‍💨
But I'll get better. I promise.

Didn't even make 1,000 words.

Absolutely Pathetic.

It Started With A Meal (Sangwoo X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now