Chapter One: Welcome to Another World

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"Brother, you gotta play this game; it's too hard. I want the secret ending with these hot characters. Let me know if there's a route with the evil cutie Abel. He's so cute—his golden eyes, pink hair, and long eyelashes. He has a feminine face, and he's so adorable. Damien isn't bad either, and he's a real cutie," a brown-haired girl said excitedly.

"That was the last thing I remember before starting my journey into Love and Conquer Baby, a dating sim targeted to girls," a boy with black hair thought as he lay on the floor in a pool of blood as his consciousness faded away.

Flashback to a week ago...

His name was Rikidou Katsuki. He was 23 years old. He is an indoor person; he is very antisocial. But he works for a game company that involves coding and is also in one of the top positions in that company. He's known as the game programming genius. He sat in his dark room, staring blankly at the bright Television in front of him. His sister Yuna decided her brother should play the game until the secret endings were unlocked. Katsuki kept going through his choices. He continued running through saves or loads and leveling his female protagonist, Lucia Belfast.

There are five main routes, seven bad endings, and three secret routes. One of the secret routes is the demon lord route, which can only be obtained after a full playthrough of the common route. The common route has no love interest or friend mode. The demon lord's name is Cereb Liamfel. He's a winnable character but in a secret route. He's also the main antagonist and the one responsible for corrupting Abel. 

There is the first prince of the Rosembal Empire, Ataea, Carlton Michelin. He's a character with long  blonde hair and blue eyes. He's very handsome and is muscular. Another character is the son of a Marquis of the Koldier Domain and a glasses character named Ian Malner. He has black hair and purple eyes. Another is a small boy named Aster Malner, four years younger than Ian. He's a genius studying with his brother in the academy. He has black hair and purple eyes. Another character is the second prince of the kingdom, Damien Michelin. He has short red hair and blue eyes. He's Carlton's half-brother, and he's always fighting with him. Another character was the son of the Duke of Lawswel. His name is Nathan Reez. He had Green hair and blue eyes.

 There are more secret characters. One of the hidden characters is named Charles Duranne. He has pink hair and blue eyes. He is the son of the Duke of Draitine. His little brother is the main antagonist in most of the routes; his name is Abel Duranne. Abel is jealous of his brother's success, and when he falls for the female lead, he has a strange obsession that turns him into a demon. The malicious nature of his heart is corrupted as the demon lord's influence takes a toll, and he sacrifices himself to summon the worst threat to their land. Lucia is a talented holy and light magic user. She can also use other elements, but her specialty is holy magic. There is also a villainess named Lidia Reez; she is the sister of Nathan Reez. She is very jealous of the female lead because she wants her brother's attention. She has green hair and blue eyes.

"I feel bad for Abel. He had to live in his brother's shadow on all the routes, only to die and become the demon king's sacrifice. That's crazy," Katsuki thought as he stared at the listless pink-haired boy on the screen. 

His golden eyes had dim lights, but he could only blush at the main character.

"He's too innocent-looking to be a villain. His brother doesn't believe he's a villain until the end of his route. After all, Charles is an overprotective older brother."

He continued through the routes until a week later, he was mentally exhausted. He had played so much while trying to complete his work that he grew weary from not eating or caring for himself. He mostly survived on energy drinks and snacks. He got up to use the bathroom and drank water occasionally but stayed in the darkroom for many hours. Eventually, he finished it. The cursed game that has made him suffer. He had a scruffy beard on his chin as he pushed his glasses up and watched the credits. The title screen appeared to have a "super completion" achievement. Then, the dark, dusty, dirty room filled with music. The room had a computer desk in the corner of the room. There were shelves covered with anime figurines, posters on the wall, and some weights in the room. Katsuki was wearing a grey hoodie with grey sweatpants and white socks. He was sitting on a pillow on the floor as he pushed up his glasses. The light of the TV reflected on his glasses as he placed the controller down. He cracked his knuckles.

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