finally meeting

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8 year old naurto was running through the forest of death in absolutely fear.

'Why do they always do this, especially on my birthday' naurto thought

Sadly, however, he was stopped when a root anbu had thrown a kuni into his back, making him fall. After they caught up, they pulled it out and then proceeded to beat naurto to what that assumed to be death.

Suddenly a smaller anbu showed up infornt of the unconscious barely alive boy causing everyone else to run "SHIT ITS CROW" instead of chasing after the scum, she quickly picked up naurto and took him to the hospital then instantly got to the Sandaime Hokage to where she overheard something that made her stomach turn in nots, he was talking to danzo they were planning this together she ran back to the hospital.

Crow was actually izari uchia she was tasked on watching the boy and she grew very found of him even with the 5 year difference and never actually talking she could tell everyone else was wrong about this boy. After the boy was healed and instantly used her sharigan to put everyone In a genjutsu left her crow anbu mask and took naurto and ran away from the village.

Inside naurto mind scape~~~

Naurto wakes up shakily "where am I, I know they wouldn't take the time to drag me to a sewer" he said basically fully of depression and loss. Suddenly "so my jailer has finally come to see me I haven't been awake in so long, why are u hear to gloat that u have the great kyuubi in a jail cell" she said with venom before looking at naurto who wasn't scared of her which shocked her some but she saw his eyes and they looked so dead.

"Come here boy I want to read your memories I've been asleep since u were a infant" naurto without hesitation walked into the cell with the kyuubi not really caring if it kills him. Which shocks her more "I'm gonna change forms so it's easier to talk after" with a poof of smoke and a explosion of red Chakra she appeard human and unlike her normal form her hair was snow white like a noble from the far north with deep red eyes most shocking she was very short about 5"1 however she was very curvy and flat in all the right places. She sits "sit in my lap Kitt it makes it easier for me" naurto does as he told and mumbles "your not gonna see anything nice" this shocks her.

'Whats this boy on about aren't they celebrating him and worshipping him as a hero' she thought then read naurtos mind and she saw everything and she was furious the only thing saving her anger is she also saw how the Rouge anbu girl saved him then must have heard something cuz she came back very fast and took naurto away for his safety. "AND THEY CALL ME A DEMON, your just a little boy" she then started hugging him tight which caused luffy him to breakdown he's never been held and comforted by anyone.

"Whats your name....I know it can't just be the kyuubi....your obviously not some bloodthirsty monster your intelligent and I feel like ur lonely just like I am." This caught her off guard but smiles "I like you Kitt your the only human ever to ask me my name, my full name is Xi Wangmu however you my sweet little Kitt can call me Wu" naurto smile and snuggles into Wu not giving single fuck that she was the 9 tailed fox she was giving him more comfort then anyone ever had.

"So where are we?" Naurto asks. "We are in your mindscape this is inside your head so it completely bends to your will" Wu replies. Naurto gets a idea "close your eyes Wu" she does and after a few minutes she felt wind she could hear a river in the distance "ok open" as she does she sees he's changed his mindscape to be a beautiful forest they were ontop a hill and the biggest most important part to her he changed her seal now it was a necklace around her neck which ment she had free roam in the mindscape instead of a cage and he even made a house for her tho it's just a copy of his shitty apartment. "Thank you so much Kitt I love it." She said full of Sincerity

naurto x fem kyuubi/harem Where stories live. Discover now