Chapter 01|

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Whitecrown Academy.

A school for the prestigious and privileged. A school for the wealthy, filthy wealthy and old money. A school that teaches the principles of love, wisdom and prestige to its students. A school for bratty girls that talk about designer clothes, VIP passes to almost every social event, luxury vacations like a beach house in Milwaukee and much more deeper darker secrets.

"Why the fuck did Stoll send me here again?" Hayden, my co-worker, shrugs as he leads me into the reception of Whitecrown Academy, posing as my twenty-three year old brother for this undercover mission. 

Hayden and I are the same age, mind you, but I (for some weird reason) look like a sixteen year old teenager, which is probably why I am at this school in this ridiculous situation. This is such an insult to all my years of studying criminology.

Fucking Stoll.

"Well, we actually don't have any other really cute sixteen year old on standby, so you just happened to be the next best thing Jordan - oh sorry, I mean Layken." I roll my eyes at Hayden's mocking statement and slap his hand away when he attempts to play with the rebellious brown curls of my hair that escaped my messy bun.

"You sound like a perverted thirty year old man, Hay. Have you forgotten that your role is my brother and not some creepy thirty year old?" He gasps and glares at me as he pretends to be hurt at my statement.

"I am much better than that and you know it." I roll my eyes as I open the door to the reception, an action Hayden hadn't thought of doing yet. Immediately, Hayden and I are engulfed in the cool air of Whitecrown's reception. The lady at the desk, a platinum blonde with clear blue eyes  hidden behind big square black and white glasses, smiles at us warmly the moment we step in and ushers us to the seat in front of her.

"Hello, good morning, welcome to Whitecrown academy. How may I help you?" I smile at her as I open my mouth to respond only to be cut off by Hayden.

"I'm Carter. Carter Rivers. I'm enrolling my little sister, Layken, here. It's nice to meet you, miss..." His eyes fall briefly to the name engraved on the platinum name plaque on the desk made of pure glass. Lucy Alves. "...miss Alves." His eyes flash back to hers and I swear I saw her swoon a bit in her chair.

There it is.

The one thing I actually envy Hayden for, his ability to fit into his role immediately and effectively, it doesn't help that Hayden isn't particularly bad looking with his messy brown hair done in his signature just-got-out-of-bed look and brown eyes that seem to pull you into an endless pit. Don't get me wrong, to me Hayden will always be an idiot but he is an idiot that knows how to do his fucking job.

"N-nice to meet you too, Mr. Rivers." He flashes her a grin that he knows will do more damage than necessary to the poor girl and I nudge him in his side, hard. The cocky bastard. He lets out  an inaudible sound but quickly covers it as him clearing his throat.

"I was hoping to drop her off today but can I get her boarding details?" Her eyes flashes to mine briefly from my seat beside Hayden as if she had forgotten I had been here the entire time. I feel my eye twitch a bit as I come to the conclusion that I already don't like her and hope to never see her again.

The fucking bitch actually had the nerve to forget I was here.

"Layken Rivers, right?" I don't answer and she doesn't bother to ask why as she opens a drawer and pulls out a large manila file that she swiftly goes through before pulling out a few sheets of paper that were fastened together by a pink safety pin. "I see, she's been assigned to the house of purity, dorm 330. Her uniform will be sent to her room by tomorrow morning, along with her schedule. Anything else?"

"If you don't mind showing us to this 'house of purity' then that'll be all." She mutters an 'of course' as she stands up and leads us out of the reception into the hallways of Whitecrown. The corridors were eerily peaceful so I assumed the girls were either in their dorms or are currently having classes.

"The girls should be in their dorms by now..." I feel the corners of my lip twitch slightly at the fact that I was, indeed, correct. "Over here, please." We follow her as she walks down the corridor and as we rounded each corridor, I noticed that the walls were white and lined with bits of gold. There were billboards filled with quotes of famous poets, novelists and great philosophers. The school's achievements were framed and hanged on the walls, along with photos of past honorary and valedictorian students.

Lucy comes to a halt in front of huge white and gold mahogany double doors before she turns to speak to us. "These doors are the entrance to Whitecrown's hostel. It leads to an adjoining hall that has four different corridors; one for each of the three houses and one for the A-level students. Each corridor leads to a three storey building where their dorms reside. I'm sure the girls in Layken's house will be happy to tell her more, however, you and I must stop here Mr. Rivers. No one apart from the girls are allowed in here, this is their personal space." Hayden's brow furrows at Lucy's statement.

"I understand why I'm not allowed in but if the staff aren't allowed in, who will keep on eye on my sister?" 

"The A-level students have the authority to keep an eye on the girls, assign tutors and enforce the rules of Whitecrown Academy. You don't have to be worried sir." Hayden nods and smiles at her appreciatively and I quickly cut in before I have to re-live what happened in the reception again.

"What about my luggages?"

"Some juniors should have sent it to your room by now. I'll be sending Mr. Rivers off now, anything you want to say to him?"

I glance at Hayden. His brown eyes seems to tell me so many things at once. Stuffs like 'Stay safe', 'Do not forget the plan' and most importantly, 'don't get caught'.

"Bye Carter."

                 A/N: This is my first ever detective book and it might not be good. If there are any errors, tell me in the comments!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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