Dealer's Hands

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🚨 This uses dream logic, it is NOT realistic. 🚨

Thierry Augustin De La Fontaine:
• French
• The leader
• Once he forms a bond he grows strongly affectionate
• brown hair, slight mustache and beard, brown and blue heterchromia.
• Navy suit and blue tie.

Monte Bertie Rowntree:
• English
• The lefthand man
• Loyal to a fault
• Dirty blond, gray eyes, scruffy mustache and short beard.
• blue vest, copper buttons, worn out white shirt, sandy brown pants.

Vespasiano Rocco Benedetti:
• Italian
• Was secondhand man
• Was making deals with others, scheming
• black hair, green eyes. Light mustache and beard.
• striped suit, black and white. Green tie.

There's a casino on an island that many go to play and waste away at. It's a casino owned by three famous men. The three had been working the game for a long time. They were partners, and they'd been stuck together for a decade now.

Thierry was their leader, the one at the front, the Frenchman who looked good for the reporters and dealt with the politics.

Vespasiano was the righthand man. He was Italian and always made the contracts— not to say the other two didn't know how to, but Vespasiano was the better of the three— with the big guys like Gerald Halton and Jared Fitchburg.

Finally, there was the English man, the lefthand man, though he certainly didn't act like it. He played as the dealer, and with a crude mouth too. When the other two brought customers (typically those suspected of cheating and those they wanted to form a deal with) the dealer would play the game into the perfect position for opportunity.

How'd he do it? Well, he picked up a few tricks from his pa when he was younger, his pa was a dealer too. Albeit a smaller one, but a dealer nonetheless, and he always caught cheaters.

Anyway, today was a relaxed day. The addicts were the only ones in and other than that the casino was being neglected. So the dealer sat back and watched the games unfold.

Jerry, who began his addiction thirteen years ago and got divorced, was playing against three others: Fred, James, and Dave. The four were playing a simple game of craps. Then, in the corner of his eye, he spied a shocking sight.

What was Vespasiano doing out of his office? He was supposed to be calling up an old "friend" to renew a deal as he signed paperwork (yes, casinos had to deal with paperwork, how else do they get to hold so much money?).

Also, he was acting all suspicious, his shifty behavior seemed more like a conman than a businessman. The casino had no place for conmen (or, at least, obvious ones).

So, what else was the dealer supposed to do but follow him? Step by step the English man followed the shadow of the Italian whose hat shadowed the devious glare of a scheme. They passed a corner, an alleyway, and several buildings before climbing some stairs into a hidden space practically boxed in by buildings. The space had a table and two chairs. One of which was already being used by a man in a similar getup.

"I'm almost surprised you made it. But then again, you must really want those two gone." The stranger turned to the other man as they shook hands.

"Of course I do. Now, what did the others say?"

"They're willing to work with you to get you to the top. But, as expected, there are conditions." A suitcase was brought onto the table and paper was piled.

"Nothing too grand?"

"No. But, you should still hear them."

"Right then, continue."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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