part 1: Lydia the Flower

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two years before the movie starts >:)

The room was dim and damp. The only sound was a quiet drop of water every once in awhile. A sun beam cascaded through a small open window, high up on the concrete walls of the small space.

A lone Nightshade flower stood in the center of a artificial plot of land, soft multicolored sparks floated in spirals and beautiful patterns around the bloom, shining soft light against the concrete and tile.

The wooden door of the room was opened by a tall man with short, graying hair, in a long white coat. He held a flask of blueish liquid up to the light before he spoke.

"Hello, Lydia. How are you today, my dear."

She could only respond with excited swirls of her colored pollen.

He smiled and walked over to her, picking up the watering can from the table next to her. He poured the water onto the flower's bloom. After that he uncorked the flask, a sweet smell filled the room. He poured the liquid at the base of her stem.

Blue smoke exploded and filled the room, the doctor coughed and used his hand to clear some of the smoke away from his face, looking down at Lydia expectantly.

And nothing happened.

The doctor frowned and threw the bottle onto the tile floor, storming out of the room and leaving the broken glass on the ground.

Years ago, the doctor had given Lydia consciousness and a longer lifespan on accident. With those experiments came powers of her own, she had a multicolored pollen that she could control to make beautiful patterns.

She loved her maker, he was everything to her.

Her petals began to tingle, a strange sensation that soon spread throughout her small body. The tingles turned to pain as she grew, her bloom turned to a human head and face, her petals turned into a short dress and petal-like hair.

She grew out of her plot of earth and fell onto the hard tile, hitting her new head on the ground. She lay there for a minute, dazed.

She rolled onto her back, raising her hands in front of her face and stared. She moved her fingers, closing her hands into fists and then spreading them wide. She used her odd new arms to push herself up, wiggling her feet, curiously.

She loved the golden colored cuffs on her wrists and ankles, they shimmered in the soft sun light, casting a golden glow throughout the small room.

She looked down at her new body, the odd senses that came with having limbs excited her.

She smiled and rolled onto her hands and knees. She pulled herself up with the help of a nearby table. She stood on wobbly legs, falling a few times before she got the hang of it. Walking around the room, then jumping and running.

As she ran, a sharp pain in her left foot startled her out of her happy daze. She fell onto the floor, sat cross-legged, inspecting the small cut on her foot that was oozing a green substance.

She picked up the small pieces of glass, rolling them over in her hands. She nicked her fingers a few times but she kept playing with the shards.

It had been a day, and the doctor hadn't come back, she was losing energy without water and she was getting desperate.

She had already tried the watering can but it was empty, much to her despair.

She wondered if her doctor needed help or had forgotten about her, she needed to find him. Lydia hopped off of the table she had been sitting on and stumbled towards the door.

As she pushed it open, she was met with her doctor. He looked thoroughly shocked and scared, he was alot smaller than Lydia remembered but she smiled anyway.

He screamed and fell backwards, she held out her hand to help him up but he screamed again and scrambled away.

Lydia felt a pain in her chest and her eyes stung as she watched him run away, she felt weak. Her maker, her father, was gone and she would soon die without any water. Lydia had no other choice but to try and escape into the outside world.

She peered out of her room, it led into a hall, decorated with paintings and golden furniture.

She walked slowly down the hall, tripping over her feet a couple of times before she got to the living room. She stumbled, crashing into the back door and falling out of the house. She fell on her back, hitting her head hard, and blacking out.

Lydia woke when she felt a raindrop hit her nose. She opened her eyes, blinking as she sat up, the soft drops of water sprinkled her face. She felt her body soak up the cold water, the chill filled her new limbs and she sighed.

She stood up, looking up at the light fading from the sky, the soft rain giving her energy. She let out her pollen, and watched as it swirled around her, floating on the wind and spreading throughout the city of Paris, alarming several people who were just walking by.

What Lydia looks like:

-----------------------------------------------------What Lydia looks like:-----------------------------------------------------

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