◈My Awaited Salvation◈

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One would think sailing Destiny back into Aithelon's harbors would be a foolish gamble, even after five years. Knox certainly did and made his concerns known not only as the anchor was lowered several yards away from the docks but numerous times in the two days that followed. Hongjoong didn't share these concerns, which he knew bothered his sailor.

King Eoman had five years to send his men after Hongjoong to take Destiny back into his possession, but that task was never once attempted. Hongjoong had no doubt that the king was made aware of the theft once the crime had been discovered, so he had expected the royal navy to pursue him and his crew, at least in the beginning.

Weeks went by, then months, and now years. The few times Hongjoong and his crew faced off against members of the royal navy in that time had nothing to do with the stolen vessel. There was no recognition, no suspicion. It was obvious to Hongjoong that King Eoman cared very little about the disappearance of one lone ship out of his entire fleet.

Hongjoong despised the king for how easily he could forget about the vessel that had been the catalyst in Hongjoong's life ten years ago. King Eoman should be haunted by the memories, just as Hongjoong was. The king deserved worse.

But alas, Hongjoong was alone in his memories as he walked through the cobblestone streets of Aithelon, struck by familiar scents and sounds and sights, even in the cover of darkness. He had left the rest of his crew to finish their drinks at the tavern to take a stroll alone, wishing to clear his head.

Hongjoong had hoped that returning to Aithelon for a few days would offer him more details that would further set in motion his plan that he had been devising since he was sixteen. He was left disappointed. The nobles who lived around the castle still adored King Eoman, singing his praises every chance they could. Those in lower stations kept their heads down, not daring to speak ill of a man who would not think twice before executing them.

If Hongjoong took his retribution in public, he would certainly be mobbed. That left taking action within the castle, sneaking in and out without being detected by the dozens of guards whose life purpose was to protect the king.

The memories of being inside the castle the last time were too hazy for Hongjoong to trust. He needed a way inside, needed to learn the secrets of the walls. Surely someone within would support his cause.

Walking around a corner, Hongjoong came face to face with the outer wall that surrounded the castle, a looming presence that seemed to mock him. So close to his goal, yet never close enough.

As Hongjoong begrudgingly turned to head back to his ship, aggressive shouts filled the calm night air. Slipping into the shadows of an alleyway, Hongjoong watched in surprise as a section of the stone wall a few yards to his left popped open, and a young woman tumbled onto the street.

Clothed in nothing but a long white nightgown, the young woman ran away from the castle and the guards chasing after her, fear emanating from her entire body. She ran in front of Hongjoong's hiding place, unaware of his presence, but not fast enough to prevent him from seeing a small cut across her cheek.

Hongjoong couldn't imagine what had caused this young woman, clearly a member of the royal staff, to flee for her life in the dead of night, but Hongjoong wasn't focused on that. She was his way into the castle. This woman running into a distant alleyway was his answer.

Keeping a safe distance from the guards, Hongjoong followed after the woman. Her movements were erratic. She clearly had no sense of direction in her panic. This helped her in the end, the guards losing her in the shadows, leaving her alone with Hongjoong.

Running ahead, Hongjoong hid within an arched doorway, listening for the sound of the woman's footsteps. Reaching into his pocket, Hongjoong pulled out a small pouch that Bembe had given him before they left Torch Key a few days ago. He was informed that the flower petals inside would cause someone to lose consciousness if inhaled.

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