Road trip

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You and your family are going to a caravan site. You guys have been there once before a few years back and loved it.

"Kids car. now. " your dad says carrying all your suitcases and putting them in the boot

You, your older brother (Jay) and your  younger brother (Harvey) climb into the car and obviously you are forced to sit squashed in the middle between the two annoying rats.

"Get me my charger out the suitcase" your step mum says scrolling on her phone

You roll your eyes at the sound of her voice. So jarring.

In a few minutes your dad sits in the drivers seat and passes her the charger.

You look at the charger to see it has red pen on the wire of it with an 'A' written at the part where you plug it in.

"HEY THATS MY CHARGER" you say leaning forward to snatch it off her

She moves her hand out the way so you miss and accidentally hit your dad. She looks you up and down then turns to face the front

"Shut up and let her use it for the car ride cause I'm not digging back into all this suitcases until I find a charger" you dad snaps at you

Fair enough

You look at Jay and both roll your eyes in response to him

As you can probably tell, we HATE our stepmum she's a whiny bitch but we love her at the same time. Our dad's just meh.


You are just about to fall asleep when Harvey starts screaming

"WHAT NOWWWW" you say complaining looking at your little brother who's now stopped screaming

"I need a weeeee" he says urgently

"DAD HE NEEDS A WEE AGAIN" you say frustrated

We have already stopped three times

First time: Harvey needed a wee and we got donuts ofcourse

Second time:  my stepmum needed a wee and Harvey refused to try and have one after having 2 fruit juices

Third time: dad needed a smoke

"Well we're almost here now so you'll just have to hold on pal we did tell you to try before " your dad says looking at him in the rear view mirror


You guys finally arrive and check in. You head straight to the bar and leave all your stuff in the car. When you get to the bar you see the rest of your family sitting at two tables that are pushed together

You know it's them because they are the oldest in there and there is a tornado of kids running around the tables where they are sat

"Look who's finally fucking here" your uncle says with a pint in his hand

"Sorry the mrs needed about six wee breaks" you dad says hugging him

In response she slaps him on the arm

Meanwhile you and Jay go and greet your cousins you say hi to the two twins and then let them go off with Jay (probably to smoke a spliff)

You greet the rest of your cousins and then go over to milly, your cousin, you guys have always gotten along even with your other cousins

You and milly usually hang out where as Jay and the twins (Harry and Lucas) stick together followed by their older brother Charlie but he's coming later with his girlfriend. And Harvey usually hangs out with the other little cousins (Maisie,Lola,Rory and milo) yes my auntie and uncle gave a lot of kids. That's not even half of the kids in our family

You and milly greet your nanna and she gives you both £20 to spend in the arcade if we take the kids.



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