Chapter Twenty - Y/n

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"I still can't believe you lied to me," Gia says while taking over my entire bed.

"Listen, I'm sorry. And I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you. There's a difference," I tell her.

"You kept the truth from me. Therefore, you lied,"

"That is not lying. Besides, if I lied to you, that means I lied to everybody,"

"You did. You lied to everybody except Michael. And I thought I was your best friend. That hurt," she jokes.

"Mhm, because you really care that much," I say sarcastically. "But I will tell you that I will be going back to LA and then going all over the world."

"What do you mean? When are you doing that?" She asks.

"I leave to go back in two days,"

"And the traveling around the world part?"

"I may or may not be joining Billie on tour," I muttered.

"YOU ARE NOT!" She yelled and jumped up.

"I am,"


"Can you stop yelling, please? I have a headache. And told me what?"

"That something was gonna happen between you two," I shake my head.

"Nothing is happening between us. I'm just going as a friend and for support," I tell her.

"Yeah, a friend that's gonna end up between her legs,"

"Excuse me!?"

"It's true! If you call me one day telling me that you guys fucked I won't be surprised. I mean, you snuck off to LA to go to the Oscars with her and then almost got caught kissing her?!"

"Oh, my God! That never happened. People are just saying that,"

I'm not lying because I don't want her to know. I'm lying because I'm not really ready to tell people, even if it is my best friend, that I'm dating Billie Eilish. Like, of course, I wanna show that off, but it's so new that I don't know what's gonna happen. If Billie wants to come out I'll do that. I mean, I am mostly not telling people because I don't know if she wants people to know. I'm doing it out of respect for her.

I hear my phone buzzing and I reach for it. Billie. I smile and answer it.


"Hey," she says. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm supposed to be packing for my flight back to LA but Gia showed up here so now I'm not doing anything," I say and point the camera to Gia.

"Do not blame me for your being lazy," she says and looks at my phone. "Hi," she says shyly and waves. Billie smiles and waves back.

"She's the reason I'm lazy," I whisper to Billie and she laughs.

"You're a pain in the ass," she says and I glare at her. I stand up set my phone up against my pillow and pull Gia off the bed.

"OW! Oh, my God! You could've just told me to move!" She yells.

"I have, You've ignored me three times now,"

"Okay, yeah, you're right," I look at Billie.

"And I'm the pain in the ass," she laughs. "I'm gonna need a lot for this, aren't I?" I ask her.

"Maybe, as much as you want. Besides, I always overpack for everything you could borrow some of my stuff if you want,"

"Do I need to leave?" Gia asks.

"If you want," I tell her.

"I do but I'm too lazy. I'm comfortable down here. Can you give me a blanket though? I'm cold," I laugh and throw one to her.


After another long ass flight, I'm back in LA. I'm getting so tired of being on a plane. I mean, I know it's my fault but I still hate it. At least I get to see Billie. Can't believe we've been together for almost two months. Crazy. I can't believe we're together at all. I finally find Billie and Claudia is with her. I immediately go over and hug both of them.

"I missed you," Billie said.

"I missed you, too," I said and smiled.

They both help me with my bags and we start heading to Billie's house.

"Where's Finneas?" I ask.

"He's been throwing a hissy fit for the last week," Claudia said. I turn back to look at her in the backseat.

"What do you mean? About what?"

"Who knows? I think it's because of all the stress of touring coming up," Billie says.

"But shouldn't he be used to it by now?" I ask.

"Yeah, but he does this every time. He starts acting like a complete dick about a month before a tour and then after the first week or two he's fine," Billie explains.

"So, if he's a dick to you anytime you try talking to him, don't take it personally," Claudia tells me. I nod. "It's why I've been staying with Billie the last few days."

"He's been being a dick to you?" I ask her. She just shrugs. "I'll beat his ass."

"You'll beat his ass for being an ass to her, but not to me?" Billie asks.

"She's his girlfriend, and you're his sister. It's expected for him to be an ass to you," I explain. She just rolls her eyes.

We finally make it back to Billie's house, and they both help me bring my stuff inside.

"I can go back home for the next couple of days so Y/n can have the guest bedroom again," Claudia says. I nod.

"Or you could just stay here in the guest bedroom, and Y/n can stay in my room?" Billie asks me.

"Then I definitely shouldn't stay here," Claudia says. "I don't wanna be here for that." I just smile, trying not to laugh and watch Billie punch her.

"Shut thr fuck up! That is not gonna happen!" She looks at me and hits me too. "It's not funny!"

"It's a little funny," I tell her, and she rolls her eyes.

"No, but I should really probably go home and sort shit out with Fin. I never avoid him during conflicts unless it's right before a tour because he never fucking listens ever," Billie and I nod and help her get her stuff sorted and she leaves.

"Do you want to stay in the guest bedroom then?" Billie asks as we walk back inside. I shrug. "That's not an answer."

"I'll stay in your room. It's not like I'm gonna unpack my stuff anyway," she smiles and nods. These next few months are gonna be interesting.

In The Crowd - Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now