Enemy [chanchang / bangbin]

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Tw: fighting 

Changbin and Chan, enemies for as long as they could remember, stood face to face, their noses almost touching. The room around them seemed to shrink, as if the walls were closing in on the tension between them. Their eyes locked, daring the other to blink first. The air was thick with animosity, made heavier by the unspoken words that hung between them.

Chan, with his jet-black hair and piercing gray eyes, was the epitome of cool. He exuded confidence, despite the fact that he was currently at a disadvantage. He knew that he could easily win this stare-off, but he also knew that it was more than just about winning or losing. It was about maintaining his reputation, about proving to everyone that he was still the one in charge.

Changbin, on the other hand, was a mess of nerves and adrenaline. His normally unruly brown hair stuck up in all directions, and his normally pale face had flushed a bright red. He couldn't help but feel like his heart was going to leap out of his chest. His green eyes darted back and forth between Chan's, trying to maintain their gaze but failing miserably. He didn't want to lose this staring contest, not because he cared about winning or losing, but because he knew that losing would mean giving up some of his own pride.

Their confrontation had begun in the school cafeteria earlier that day, when Changbin had accidentally bumped into Chan while trying to get to the front of the lunch line. Of course, Chan had taken it as a personal affront, and before either boy could even process what was happening, they had found themselves in the middle of a heated argument. It wasn't the first time they'd butted heads, but it felt different this time. The tension between them seemed to crackle in the air, like static electricity about to explode into a violent confrontation.

Their staring contest continued for what felt like an eternity. Sweat began to bead on their foreheads, and their chests heaved as they struggled to breathe. The air in the room felt charged, thick with the possibility of violence. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, Changbin's gaze wavered ever so slightly. It was enough to break the spell, and with a victorious smirk, Chan took a step back.

"Not so tough now, huh?" he sneered.

Changbin's face flushed even deeper red, and he clenched his fists at his sides. "I'll get you back for that," he muttered under his breath.

The rest of the school day dragged on endlessly, with each minute feeling like an hour. Every time Changbin glanced in Chan's direction, he could feel the hatred burning in his chest. He knew that this wasn't over, and that there would be consequences. The question was, who would be left standing when it was all over?

That night, as Changbin lay in bed, he couldn't sleep. His mind kept wandering back to the staring contest and the confrontation in the cafeteria. He knew that he had to do something, but he wasn't sure what. He couldn't just let Chan keep pushing him around like he was some kind of punching bag. He needed to find a way to stand up for himself, to show Chan that he wasn't going to be intimidated by him anymore.

The next day, Changbin arrived at school with a newfound determination. He was going to face Chan head-on, and he was going to come out on top. He knew that it wasn't going to be easy, but he was willing to risk it all to regain some of his lost pride. As he made his way through the hallways, he could feel the weight of everyone's gaze on him, but he refused to let it faze him. He had a score to settle, and he wasn't going to let anyone, not even Chan, stand in his way.

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