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Startled by the imitation knock, Tessa looks up from her keepsake box and then at the door. With quick but quiet steps making sure to not bother her sleeping daughter, Tessa approaches the door and she slowly opens it.

Tessa's lips twitch with a hint of amusement at Diego's response. "You know you could actually just knock?" she quips, her tone teasing.

"Well, I didn't, okay?" Diego jokes, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips as he saunters into the room. He bypasses Tessa and heads straight for the crib where Emerson is sleeping, his movements gentle so as not to disturb the peaceful slumber of the infant.

Diego's curiosity is piqued as he notices the box Tessa is sorting through. "What's that you got there?" he asks, his gaze lingering on the assortment of items spread out before her.

Tessa looks up from the box, her fingers still delicately tracing the edges of the photographs. "Oh, just some old keepsake stuff I found in my closet," she replies, her voice soft with nostalgia as she continues to sift through the memories captured in the photographs.

Diego settles himself on the floor beside Tessa, drawn in by the allure of the memories captured in the photographs. Together, they delve deeper into the box, unearthing snapshots of their past adventures.

"Look how little we were," Diego remarks, a nostalgic grin spreading across his face as he holds up a particularly candid photo.

Tessa's laughter rings out as she peers at the image, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh my God," she exclaims, shaking her head in fond disbelief at the sight.

Diego's playful smirk widens as he gazes at the photo, his tone laced with a hint of flirtation. "I gotta say, we both aged great! We look fine as hell now," he remarks, casting a meaningful glance in Tessa's direction, the warmth of his gaze speaking volumes.

"Well, Diego, let's be serious here," Tessa jokes, a playful twinkle dancing in her eyes as she nudges him teasingly. "We both always knew we were gonna be the hottest."

Diego chuckles, his laughter rich with genuine affection as he meets Tessa's gaze. "I mean, come on, Tess. Everyone knew you were," he admits with a grin. "But me? No way. I was jealous of any man that'd have you after we left this shithole."

Tessa, caught up in the lighthearted banter between her siblings, lets out a small laugh. As she and Diego lock eyes, a charged energy passes between them, the weight of their shared history palpable in the air.

Without hesitation, they lean in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. It's a moment suspended in time, the culmination of years of longing and missed opportunities. For a brief instant, everything else fades away as Tessa and Diego revel in the familiar thrill of each other's presence, their connection reignited after nearly a decade apart.

The kiss is broken after 30 seconds when Diego gently pulls away, his expression conflicted. "Just a sec, I have to go get something and I'll be right back," he says hurriedly, getting up from the floor and swiftly leaving the room.

As Diego exits, a sense of unease settles over Tessa, her heart pounding in her chest. She waits anxiously, the silence of the room weighing heavily on her, until suddenly, she hears the distinct sound of metal swishing followed by the ominous click of a gun being cocked.

Her breath catches in her throat as fear grips her, her instincts urging her to stay still and listen. Then, the deafening roar of gunshots shatters the silence, echoing through the corridors of the Umbrella Academy.

Is it Diego pulling the trigger? The question hangs heavy in Tessa's mind, her thoughts racing as she grapples with the terrifying reality unfolding around her.

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