Chapter 1

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @SABEKKA. Hope you all enjoy it!

The name's Tormon. Vanessa Tormon. I was working late one night at my own little private eye agency called The Sleuth Booth. Business was slow as usual, since the last perp I had busted was now in jail for murder of the famous noble Zavord. While I was busy filling out paperwork, my cellphone began to ring. "Strange," I thought. "Nobody really knows my personal number." I reached over to it and said, "Hello?"

"Is this Ms. Vanessa Tormon of The Sleuth Booth," questioned the stranger. Judging by the sound of their voice, a rather uptight gentleman spoke to me on the other end of the line.

"Yes... Might I ask who you may be?"

"No, sorry Miss Tormon. I am afraid that will have to remain classified."

"Okay...." Something about this guy made me suspect that he really could tell me his name, but I'd better keep my mind open to new things. You never know when a clue may appear.

"Hello? Miss Tormon? Hello?"

"What? Oh, sorry. I must have zoned out.. You were saying?"

"Yes, my mi- I mean friend would be delighted if they could meet with you tomorrow afternoon. Could you meet up with them at the restaurant down by the beach?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hang on a minute! You call me up and expect to meet your 'friend' somewhere!? I'm sorry but, I will need more information before I can commit to anything!"

The man sighed, "Very well... The Princess would like to speak with you about a case."

"The Princess!? Oh my gosh! I know that my work is pretty well known, but not THAT well known!" I thought to myself. "O-okay," I said struggling to keep my voice calm, but the stranger didn't seem to notice.

"She will be riding down to the beach tomorrow afternoon. It is the only time she will be able to meet with you. So, do you want the job or not?"

"Of course I do!" I replied with a little too enthusiasm. "I-I mean... anything for The Royal Family."

"Perfect! She will be at the restaurant at 1:30. Don't be late," and with that, the stranger hung up.

"Okay, that was either the weirdest or the most suspicious phone call that I have had in a while." I took a glance at the clock mounted upon the wall. "10:30 already? Better close up for the night." I gathered up my things and locked the door on my way out. As I drove home, I kept wondering, what case could possibly cause the Princess herself to need to meet with me in person.

* * *

The next morning I awoke with a sudden lurch, covered in sweat. "Another nightmare.. When will these treturous dreams end! Oh well, I should probably get ready to meet up with Her Majesty," I thought. I quickly fixed myself something to eat before hopping in the shower. After cleansing myself, I slipped on a white, simple dress-since I was going to meet up with royalty. I didn't really believe that any type of it made much of a difference in your appearance but, I put on some natural looking makeup anyway.

I hated pulling my hair into any sort of style but, the results were absolutely stunning. After a painful ten minutes, I had finally pulled my hair into a neat bun. If I was going to be a detective for a royal case, I had to look the part.

I quickly clasped my mother's locket around my neck. I clutched the star-shaped charm to my chest as my eyes threatened to spill salty tears down my cheeks. "I miss you mom!" (A/N: Vanessa's mother had died in a fire when she was 12. Her father had been dragged off to an insanelsym when she was an infant, but escaped 11 years later. He saw Vanessa's mom on a date with another man and, burned the entire building down do to his jealousy. He lived but was later tossed in prison.) Finally, I was finished preparing. I glanced over at my living room clock. "8:05. I don't have to leave for at least another hour." I went outside to go check on my pet black lab, Midnight. She was really happy to see me. Her tail was wagging like crazy and she kept prancing around. "Hey, Midnight," I said sweetly to her. "Do you want to go for a walk?" She barked happily in reply as I latched a leash onto her collar. We headed for the gate at the side of the yard. I unlocked it and Midnight lead the way down to the beach. It normally took an hours on foot but, I just really wanted to enjoy the beautiful morning. So, the two us made our way down to the beach.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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