The Magnificent Muggle Magician!

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*Fifth Year, Winter Holidays*

Powdery white snow falls from the sky, dusting the courtyard with snow that melts in the bright afternoon sun only seconds later. Children between 11 and 18 hang about, chatting and laughing. Occasionally flashes of colourful light, often accompanied by loud bangs, come from a group of red-clad students. 13-year-old students with blue scarves ignore the cold and noise in favour of a heated debate about what came first, the phoenix or the ashes? A huddle of green is tucked away behind some columns as if hiding, almost ashamed to be there.

Suddenly the oak doors open with an amplified bang, gathering the students' attention. Out of the magically dark doorway stepped several students wearing yellow outfits, obviously magicked to keep them warm on this winter day. Some children were imitating a trumpet fanfare, others shooting streamers from their wands, and still others casting music out into the yard. One fifth-year girl, wearing a green version of the yellow outfit, stepped forward and, in a magically amplified voice, called out, "Ladies and gentlemen, and all those in between or otherwise, please welcome, Cassiopeia Jones, the Magnificent Muggle Magician!"

Cheers erupted from the mixed crowd of students as a girl, in her fifth year, stepped out. She wore a black formal suit, like the ones Muggle magicians wear, with yellow accents. A yellow tophat perched upon her black hair as her hands absently shuffled a deck of soft yellow cards. A smirk rose as she gazed at the crowd gathered before her.

After a few minutes to prove to the audience that she couldn't use her magic, the show began. Trick after trick, she did. Illusions, sleight of hand, and simple misdirection. She borrowed a snake from a Ravenclaw boy and turned it into a scarf. She pulled a Hufflepuff girl's bunny from her yellow hat. She vanished a Slytherin's cat, but when challenged by her Griffindor friend to vanish something bigger, she vanished the boy, much to the surprise of the crowd. She had her yellow-clad helpers roaming around, collecting donations and tips, and occasionally causing a distraction.

Finally, the time came to make her exit. As the sun dipped down and dinner drew near, she performed her last trick of the night. She said her farewells, called up her helpers and threw down a smoke bomb. When the air cleared, they were all gone. Keith from Ravenclaw got his snake back, Catie from Slytherin had her cat, Francis in Hufflepuff got her bunny, and there, standing in the doorway where Cassie had been only moments before, was Bob, the brave Grifindoor who challenged her magical skills.

Hidden from view, around the corner, Cassie and the green helper, Cyro, listened to the cheers and chatter from the crowd, proud to share joy in this hard time.

E/N pic not mine

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