Cuddling day

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It passed after 12 pm and Rep just woke up couldn't have a better view. Lover was still sleeping in her. After some mins Lover opened her eyes and saw Rep already awake stroking her hair and smiling.

Rep: My love woke up
Lover: Mmmmhhh (buries her face in her neck) baby yk what
Rep: What
Lover: I just wanna cuddle and stay in you all day
Rep: That's okay I'd stay with you forever like this cutie, butttt we'll have to eat something later
Lover: You'll make us something but like for 3 hours okay and then we're back here
Rep: Sure, how did you sleep baby
Lover: So good, being in you all the time
Rep: I was admiring the view when I woke up
Lover: Give me a kiss

They're just kissing and cuddling for 3 more hours in bed not going anywhere until Rep said it's time to eat something.

Rep: Come with me love, let's go eat now, what do you want me to make for us
Lover: Mmmmm I want bologneseee like spaghetti
Rep: Uuuu that'll be delicious I like that
Lover: Not like you ahahaha
Rep: Mmmm wanna wait here or you wanna lay down in bed so when it'll be done I'll carry you to here
Lover: Wait I must pee but yeah I'll be in bed I'll text Mid ,we don't know anything new about her and 1989
Rep: OMG right I totally forgot yk I think we should definitely hang out with them soon
Lover: Yeah

Rep was making spaghetti, Lover went after bathroom in their bed texting Mid and waiting her reppy to come to her when lunch will be done.

Lover and Mid messages

Lover: Hey Mid! Long time no see, how's going and with 1989? We didn't see each other for ages and I was just commenting with reppy about it, we should hang out soon

Mid: OMG hey Lover! We're absolutely great like phenomenallll! 1989 is so in love with me I can't she's so cute I just wanna be with her like yk I'd let her Vigilante shit me all the time! We're always having fun anddd what about you two? Having a love session sm huh😜 We fr need to hang out so soon

Lover: Ahahahaha you two are cute too ! Welllll my hottie enjoys with me sm and yk we're insanely in love with each other and we do have sm love session like reeeeally often😜I miss you two sm I'll talk with reppy to see when we could meet like you could come to us so we have some fun

Mid: HOOOTTT I bet you're making love most of the time almost every day AHAHAHAHA well we miss you two too 1989 just told me to greet you and Rep and about the idea of us coming to you soon ABSOLUTELY YEAH

Lover: Ahahahah truth! Tell her we're greeting her too and next time when I text you you're definitely coming to us ilyy ❤️

Mid: Perfect! Ilyt 💙

Rep just finished making lunch and she's ready to come to carry Lover down to eat.

Lover: Reppy babyyy I was just talking with Mid yk we were thinking about them coming to us soon well we could have some fun we really didn't see each other so long and 1989 greeted us too
Rep: Oooo yeah that's great we're gonna invite them so soon okay but now jump cuz I'm carrying you down to eat, I just finished making lunch
Lover: I love when you're carrying me hottie ilysm reppy
Rep kisses her and goes downstairs
Lover: OMGGGGG sooooo deliiiciousss baby
Rep: Mmmm fr

They were talking, smiling and stealing kisses after one of them would end some sentences cuz the conversation was really cute and they can't resist each other.

Lover: Mmmm I'm so I have no words that was so delicious I can't even, but not like you
Rep: I kinda see your goal here
Lover: Babyyyy no ahahaha it's just the truth now carry me back in our bed cuz I promise you I'm not getting out from you anymore , I'm not letting you nowhere
Rep: Well how about I carry you first but go back here to grab us water and some snacks , sweets candy chocolate what you want
Lover: Hmmm give us some candy and water
Rep: Fine come

Rep carries her back to bed and goes downstairs to grab water and some candy for them. As she comes back again, she puts water and candy on their desk and comes to lay down in bed. Lover immediately comes in her smiling to her.

Rep: Why do you have to be this cute ? You're such a cute hot lil baby bear
Lover: Yours my hottie, cuddle me
Rep: Sure , did Mid tell you something more
Lover: No we were just talking how each of us is so in with each other and she bets we're making love most of the time almost every day well I told her that's the truth
Rep : Laughs, oh DAMN I didn't know that lil secret was in your messages hmmm
Lover: No love it's not secret I mean ofc they know we're like that , laughs
Rep: Theeen how about you text her they can come to us this Saturday so we have some fun after ages
Lover: I like that , I'll tell her tomorrow

Rep's hands can't stop cuddle Lover's body but she decided to cuddle her butt for some time cuz why not 😛 Lover was enjoying sm, she just buried herself in her hottie and enjoyed every touch. They continue kissing and cuddling, talking,smiling and laughing until they notice that's already 7 pm.

Rep: Where t f before is already 7 pm
Rep: You want some candy here look
Lover: Ofc
Rep: This tastes really good( whispers to her not like you)
Lover: Reppy I think we said that to each other today already sm times right
Rep: Like that's not the truth
Lover: Eat me before sleeping
Rep: Sure I love being between your legs
Lover: Mmmm give me water

They have some fun eating candy, drinking lil water , talking hot and it's about that time where they need to shower and do all before bed time but before some hot time and sleeping.

Rep: Come here , listen nowww we're gonna do in the bathroom everything what we need to before going back to bed again okay
Lover: Mhm

Time skip

Rep: Aaahhh why did the shower feel so good
Lover: It should feel good every night cuz I'm showering with you
Rep: Oh love I can't resist you

They're both only in shirt and panties under the blanket. Rep goes on top of her can't stop kissing her soft lips but after she's done with them she goes down and takes off her panties. Lover opens her legs and relaxes cuz she's about to enjoy Rep's tongue for some time. Rep's eating her for like half hours and Lover's moaning, arching back telling her hottie don't stop.

Lover: Mmmm aaahh aaahhh aauuu aaaahhh reppy baby mmhhh aaaahhhhh mmmmm
Rep:  Mmmmm how you're so deliciousss
Lover: Your tongue
Rep: Yeah
Lover: I idk what to say it's literally magic AAAHHHHHH
Rep kisses her again and stays in her , squeezes to her sm
Lover: I'll cuddle you until we fall asleep
Rep: Ilysm baby
Lover: I adore you my hottie

They kiss one more time and Lover's cuddling her until they both fall asleep happy with smiles.

NOTE- 1295 words WHAT? That's the longest one for now! DAMN wow ig you enjoyed this cuz it look like at the end they had some hot time 😛❤️

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