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Elma : oh so Jennie what's the problem?

Jennie smile and then said with a little sad pout

Jennie : Actually, suddenly something went wrong with my car and I have to go to the washroom.

Jennie whispers last words in her ears Elma widened her eyes and said

Elma : don't tell me that you???

Jennie : yes as you can see this black long jecket

She said while showing the black long jecket which was covering her hips . Elma starting thinking what to do in this situation.

Elma : ya Allah what should I do
Should I take her to my home???

She said to herself and startig looking here and there than she sighed and said in really soft polite way

Elma : My house is a little far from here. If you want, you can come to my house to get fresh up. And yeah there you will find everything you need

Jennie face light up and she said

Jennie : you live alone?

Elma : No , my parents live with me

Jennie : Will it be okay to go to your house in these clothes ? as you are from Muslim family

She said with a sad pout and Elma smile and look at the time in her wrist watch then said to her

Elma : My father will not be home at this time .He will be at work this time

Jennie smile and she wrap her arm around her arm and said with a bright smile

Jennie : then let's go please

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Taehyung : what ????

Taehyung was sitting in his office room talking on the call with Jennie's Bodyguard

Guard : yes sir and ma'am told us to wait outside the house

Taehyung : How can she be so careless? How can she go into someone's house like that?

He runs his fingers into his hairs in frustration and guard Said

Guard : Sir, we told a lot to Ma'am but Ma'am told us that Muslim girl is her friend.

Taehyung : Where is Jennie's phone?

Guard : sir yes she take her phone with her

Taehyung : send me the location of that place

Guard : yes sir

On the other side

Jennie : thanks Elma thankyou so much you really help me a lot you save me girl thankyou so much Jazakallah khair

Elma smile and said

Elma : it's okay don't thanks me this much it's not me who help you anyways you are looking really pretty in these clothes

Jennie : yeah you are right it's so comfortable and pretty good

Elma take Jennie with her to her house and tell her mother everything from the starting and her mother immediately told Elma to take her to her room and give everything she needs and Jennie change her clothes Bodycon to Abaya but without hijab

Jennie : Elma, when I saw you i didn't thought that you will be this much beautiful damm girl

She said sitting on her bed and than Elma who was in casual clothes like Black Hijab black hoodie and a black bottom

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