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Taraji was greeted by the breeze and smell of the night. The brisk air providing relief to her heated anger and cooling her skin beneath her tears. After tonight things will never be the same. "Taraji?" The attorney called. Taraji turned to her a look of vulnerability in her eyes. "Before you walk in there you need to be sure. You can do this. I've seen your movies, I've also seen your speeches for your foundation and Mental health awareness. You embody strength, power, and patience. All of those things are going to be needed. Can you do this? Can you think of Tasia when making the decisions that are going to be needed to make?" this ignited a bit of strength in Taraji. She knew Tasia needed her. she wasn't there when she needed her before but she will be now. 

"She needs me to be nothing will stop me from doing what needs to be done. But, I need to see her first I need a moment to breathe the air she's breathing and feel her skin against my skin. I...I...I need a moment to not be strong because if I don't I will act out of anger and vengeance and I'll end up in jail or in a bed next to her. After I see her I will do whatever she needs me to do." Her eyes blazing with all her emotions translating her seriousness.

"Miss Henson?" Taraji turned her attention the the petite woman who had been waiting patiently

"Call me Taraji please. How is she? What can you tell me?"

"I am Dr. Maranda Bailey, please call me Maranda. If you follow me we can walk and I'll talk." She followed quickly behind the dr. "Fantasia was brought in this evening with an apparent overdose. When she arrived she was not breathing but had a faint pulse. We were able to intubate and provide medication for her heart. We also had to warm her body before we could provide any additional therapy. We were able to stabilize her temperature and her heart seems to be beating normally now. Before your arrival we were able to administer charcoal through a tube to her stomach to absorb the medication she took." They stopped in front of the door. "This room is temporary. Now thats she's stable we are preparing a room for her." Taraji's breath caught at the word stable. 'That meant there's a chance of survival that meant she's not gone I have a chance to fix this and be able to see my sweets smile again. that means I have a chance to wipe her tears to make her laugh to hear her sing. I have a chance!'

"Stable?" She question the dr.

"Yes for now. Her organs are at full functionality but Unfortunately we wont know if she will wake up or start breathing on her own. She saved her own life unintentionally. We are guessing she took a sedative before getting in the bath we think that because of this she didn't realize the shower was running when she decided to take a bath. She may not have realized or care that the bath was ice cold due to the extra running water. This may have protected her brain and combated against extensive if any brain damage. She is still unconscious and the machine is breathing for her. Would you like me to go in with you?" Taraji shook her head and pulled the door opened and slowly walked to the bedside holding the love of her life.

"Oh baby," she cried covering her mouth. She was scared to touch her she looked so peaceful "I love you so much but I'm so mad at you. Why Tasia why didn't you tell me what that motherfucker was doing? I'm going to Kill him"

She grabbed Fantasia's  hand and felt her anger subside as she let out a silent scream after a few moments she spoke again "I'm sorry baby I'm not mad at you Sweet. None of this is your fault" She cried tears falling from her face as she leaned and placed a small kiss on her cheek.

"no one will ever hurt you again. I am so sorry you felt like this was the only way out. I'm sorry I said I didn't love you I was hurting I didn't mean it. I do baby I love beyond you or I could imagine and I know you got an imagination my sweet girl. As much as I want you to wake up I know you need rest. So rest sweet and take your break. I got everything out here. I'm going to sit with you lawyer and see what she has for me, I know you left a honey do list for me sweet. Im going to talk to the doctors and lawyers and then check on Kezzy and I'll be back" she planted kisses all over her face.

She walked to the door and gathered herself. 'You got this Raji. You are powerful you can do this. For Tasia make her proud so when she wakes up there will be nothing but peace for her.' "I got us Sweet. I got us." she declared walking out the room

"Is there somewhere we can talk in private?" She addressed the legal team and medical team that had congregated in front of the room.

"Right this way." They escorted Fantasia's team to a conference room.

"Okay first I need to see Keziah immediately she doesn't go anywhere without my say until Tasha's mom gets here. Second Fantasia will have private security around the clock and everyone signs NDAs Felicia everyone! I don't care if HIPPA exists EVERYONE! Put everything on my tab Felicia I know you are busy and you are not my assistant but..."

"Im on it whatever you need consider me you personal assistant I will had off my cases to my partner."

"Thank you here's the number to my Assistant call her she will get you whatever you need consider her your assistant. Dr Bailey?"

"Uh yes yes ... I assure you You and Miss Barrino's privacy is of utmost priority we understand the special circumstances. As far as care we are just waiting for Fantasia to make a move we will start to ween her off the medication keeping her under to see if we can get her to breath on her own. They are preparing to take her up to the VIP wing now. You and any family will be able to stay as there is an additional vip family room attached. I wish I could give you a time line but thats up to Fantasia. I do need to set an expectation that there is a chance she may not wake up. Do you know if she has any wishes as far as end of life care?" Taraji froze her breathing picked up and she was losing her composure she felt a hand on her shoulder and Felicia began to speak up.

"Miss Henson just learned of the MPOA on our way here. Can we give her time on that?"

"She lives you give her everything Her wishes are to live! I want Physical therapy while she's out anything to keep her moving. And Music in her room at all times. Give her time. She has been through hell she gets however long she needs understood? I trust you are the best medical team for this correct?" Everyone nodded in understanding. Security led her up to Fantasias new room "I want to thank you so much Doctors for saving my ... um thank you. Felicia can you have Keziah brought to the room but be very discreet I don't want her seeing Fantasia just yet."

"Taraji?" Felicia gathered attention "We need to set a PR plan is there someone you trust? Fantasia left request not to use any of her team. I'm not sure why but I'm sure it has something to do with Ken."

"Have Becca, my assistant connect you with my PR team I don't need to tell you NDAs for everyone again do I?"

"No ma'am... I will keep in contact with you via phone. Here is a care package phone charger my card and other things. I have a team at fantasia's home with the police waiting and watching for any updates. I'll have Becca bring you a bag to last a few days. Call me if you need anything. Keziah will be here in a few minutes. The child care team will stay onsite as you need them in the next room over from you so theres space between you and them but easy access as well. And Taraji you are doing a Good job now take a breath when you go in there to see fantasia take this hat off. just be you."

"Thank you I know this..."

"Don't even Thank me Taraji. This is what I do whatever it takes to free them. I'll be in contact." Felicia walked through the door leaving Taraji at the entrance of Fantasia's room. Her brave bravado now lost her fear, sadness, anxiety taking over. She fell to her knees at Fantasia's bedside 

"Please forgive me Sweet. Forgive me for being petty for acting out for having that big nigga by my side." She laughed she knew fantasia would have laughed with her. "I promise to never leave you sweet. Even if you don't want me when you wake up I still will never leave you ever again.." She got off the floor and rested in the chair next to Fantasia. "They are bringing me Keziah baby I got to fix my face don't worry I wont let her see you till you awake but I need a piece of you here and I know you wouldnt want her to far from you." And just like fate a knock on the door. "I'll be back when I put her down for bed."

A/N: I have an idea where I want this to go but every time I sit to write something else comes out so im just flowing!! thank you for stopping by and reading!!!

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