× ~ Chasing after your love { Seek x Me ;3 } ~ ×

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Doors - Hotel
7:17 pm

I didn't even want to look back. I felt the presence of the creature gaining on me. It wouldn't be long before it caught up. Though, I was tripping on several things in my way of path. The never ending doors really weren't helping anything. I was exhausted from all the running, but I knew I couldn't stop now. Or that.... Thing would get me. Did I know what it was? Absolutely not. But it looked like a freak. And it was gaining on me. QUICK. The noises of the thumping of the creatures footsteps were getting louder and louder the more I ran. My legs were starting to give out as well. I knew I had to keep going, though. For the sake of my life. I then came across a burning room, with several obstacles in my way, and disgustingly large ink covered hands in the walls, trying to grab at me. It was yet another corridor I had entered. I looked back just to see the creature gaining on me even more. At this rate, I would surely be caught. But I was so close to the door to getting out of this nightmare. I had to keep running. Until, I tripped on something hard and came crashing down. I hit my head and fell unconscious. The creature starting down at me was the last thing I saw before falling onto a state of unconsciousness.


Several hours later...


I awoke only ever so slightly to realize I was being carried. I kept my eyes closed just enough the creature wouldn't realize I was awake, though, I realized I was being carried by the creature. I could feel it's inky hands touch my back. I nearly freaked out. My heart was pounding so much. I didn't know where we were going, and I wanted to know, but I didn't want to let that... Creature know I'm awake. I tried to steady my breathing. This was certainly not an ideal situation to be in. And it seemed like the creature knew I was awake, since it's one eye looked down at me. And oh God, I never wanted to see that again. That was the most terrifying experience ever, just it staring at me. I gulped, and prepared to get killed by it, closing my eyes tightly. Though, I didn't feel any sharp pain.


'Chill out, kid. I'm not going to hurt you.'


The creature spoke. My eyes widened when I heard it's voice for the first time. I didn't think these things could even talk, let alone say they weren't going to hurt me. That was certainly new. Though, I still didn't trust it.


'I- U-Uh... Y-You.... Talk....?'

'Yeah, I talk. Did ya think I was mute or somethin'?'


'Well, I do. Now shush.'

'B-But... Aren't you going to... Kill me...?'

'Kill you?? Heavens no, child. I'm getting you somewhere safe. This hotel's full of dangerous entities that I rather not have you experience.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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