Part 2

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Y/N decided to head out to Mount Rageous. She found a help wanted ad for singing tutors or vocalists to help two kids the age of 4 who wanted to be singers. She thought this would be a good chance for her to feel more confident about herself. So, she ends up at a large doorstep and uses her hair to ring the doorbell. Two tall spaghetti people who looked like dentists. They let her in and interviewed her. She told them she used to be in a girl band that was popular for several years and she played a sample of her songs.  The parents were so happy and immediately hired her on the spot. They lead the tiny troll to their two four-year-olds and introduce them, as Velvet and Veneer. 

She then began several years of training with vocals and singing, Veneer was doing very well but Velvet did not do the work.  She would barely practice and just didn't want to work hard for it. You thought Veneer's cute dances were awesome, but Velvet was just not having it. You worked with these two for 6 more years. You tried so hard, but Velvet had convinced her twin not to practice anymore. They were back to how they were before she showed up being bad. She sighs and give up apologizing to the 10-year-olds and hoping the best for them. The parents had paid her all those 6 years, so she had enough money now to actually go solo. She thanked the parents and head out to do a solo career with songs you have written for the six years.

For 6 years, she was top up the charts until recently. The number one song was now "You got to work hard" which turns out to be Velvet and Veneer. She knew it was suspicious. She decides to cancel her tour and got back to Mount Rageous to see what is going on and how her old students finally became famous when they never wanted to work or try hard. It took several months which lead to the twins being even more popular. She finally shows up in Mount Rageous and takes a deep breath, asking a Raegeon where she would find the twins. She was recognized by the Rageon and asked for an autograph. She nods and as she was giving an autograph, they tell her where they are. She shows up at the Club, The Boom Box and enters it carefully. Not knowing that another troll from an old boy band who she used to admire was there to save his brother.

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