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The building of Yooil High School shrunk in size before becoming a mere black dot among the azure sky and vanishing as the four yellow shuttle buses carrying the four classes of the 2nd grade speeded towards its destination, Muryeong Youth Centre,...

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The building of Yooil High School shrunk in size before becoming a mere black dot among the azure sky and vanishing as the four yellow shuttle buses carrying the four classes of the 2nd grade speeded towards its destination, Muryeong Youth Centre, for the annual field trip each 2nd grade student of the school has to partake as a centuries old school tradition.

The third bus of the four carried the 2nd grade 3 class, the students were putting their baggage up on the luggage holder on the bus and settling down, picking their seats to be near their lovers or friends.

Near the entrance of the bus was a small girl with short raven hair and captivating eyes. She stood at the end of the queue as she waited patiently for the people in front of her to put their luggage and find a seat, showing no signs of frustration or agitation.

As the people in front of her quickly sat down with apologetic looks at the sight of the petite girl, feeling bad for making her wait so long, she offered a warm smile before walking down the aisle.

The girl's eyes were focused on three guys playing around near the back of the bus as she continued walking, her footsteps came to a halt as someone spoke to her.

"Je-na, come sit with me, I saved a seat just for you." Kim Jun-hee offered to the younger Kim, patting the seat next to him, feeling a sense of responsibility to care for the younger girl on this trip to a foreign location.

The short hair beauty, Kim Je-na, didn't reply as her eyes glided over the group sat right behind Kim Jun-hee, the group of five were engaged in a heated and exhilarated conversation, clearly enthusiastic about the few nights they were to spend on the trip, already making plans about different activities and late night adventures, bound to make the most out of this seamless opportunity where they are away from their parents' supervision.

Despite a girl with long curly hair's attempt to engage in the conversation, Je-na could notice her attention was far away from her friends words, but rather on her and her brother. Je-na took note of how Kim So-mi, the vice president of the class and one of the many admirers of her brothers, would occasionally tilt her head slightly and sneak a glance at the two, clearly paying deep attention to the two's interactions.

Kim So-mi had always been in love with Kim Jun-hee, everyone but Jun-hee could see and sense it, Je-na was pretty sure she only became the vice president to have a reasonable excuse to be near Jun-hee.

Not being comfortable with the malicious and outspoken girl, Je-na wasn't fond of sitting near her, besides she had already planned out where she would sit.

"Nah, I'm fine sitting with Kyung-jun, Seung-bin and Jin-ha." Je-na declined with a smile before Jun-hee could continue further. Noticing how Kim So-mi was practically shooting hearts at her brother, and how Lee Yoon-seo was burning a hole into the side of her brother's head, Je-na couldn't hold back but to tease the boy, "Well aren't you the charmer, my dearest brother."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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