one| welcome back to hell

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Ryker Argent despised his life

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Ryker Argent despised his life. 

He hated the fact that he had to keep what he was hidden from his family. 

He hated the fact that his own siblings and father would murder him if given the chance. 

He hated the fact that he would probably never be loved given that he was a supernatural in a family of hunters

And finally, he hated the fact that he was the only one of his kind. 

Ryker Argent was the brother to Kate and Chris Argent but he was different. Ryker Argent was a weretiger. Ironically, he was the first to learn that you turn into whatever being describes you best. When he was bitten by a werewolf one night, he was more than shocked to discover that instead of a wolf, he had turned into a weretiger. 

So he did whatever the hell he could to hide what he was including hunting his own kind. That was until he had enough and decided that he refused to do it again. He left Beacon Hills and didn't come back for seven years. 

No matter how much his mother, his father when he did call, his brother, or his sister begged he refused to come back to the hell known as Beacon Hills until his brother called him and asked for his help with their sister who was known to be a bit of a loose cannon. 

So, Ryker packed up and made his way back to the hell of a town that he had left years prior. 

Driving past the welcome sign to Beacon Hills, Ryker Argent couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as he knew that the freedom that he had with his tiger side could no longer happen in Beacon Hills with his family. 

Pulling into the driveway of his brother's, Ryker parked the car and reluctantly got out. He grabbed his stuff and walked inside "Chris?" Ryker yelled out loud looking for his older brother. 

"Down here," Chris called up the stairs to the cellar. 

Ryker took a breath and headed downstairs to the place that tormented his nights constantly with the memories. He met Chris in the cellar "what do you need?" 

"Kate is coming back into town." Chris started slowly. "And you know she's more likely to listen to you than she is to me." 

Ryker nodded knowing how much Kate liked him. Ryker would generally even go as to say that Ryker was her favorite sibling. 

Chris stared at his brother "and according to a teen in town, the alpha and Derek Hale are back." 

Ryker stared at his brother "the alpha are you sure?" 

"Yeah," Chris nodded then started cleaning guns which again made Ryker nervous given how many times he had seen them be used on his kind. "That's why Kate is coming into town to help with the alpha." 

Ryker nodded knowing that he would be seeing his sister very soon. He was getting claustrophobic sitting in that basement so he looked at his brother "I'm going to go wander around." 

Chris waved him off and Ryker headed outside before wandering off into the woods. His senses were amazing as he was part cat but he froze when he smelled smoke and ash. It was really old like years old but he could still smell it. 

He followed the scent deeper into the woods and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of a house that was burned beyond recognition and scorched to death. He wondered how on earth it was still standing. 

He was so engrossed in looking at the burned-down house that he didn't realize that three other people were drawn to the same place. 

Derek Hale who's house it was and who still lived in it stared out the broken window hidden from sight. 

Colton Lahey who was a protector was drawn to the house as well. 

As was the witch Lucia McCall.

A Hunter, a werewolf, a witch, and a protector were all drawn to one place. None of them knew that they would form the strongest pack in existence.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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