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 Maj had managed to get the two men their drinks. She figured she was doing pretty well as an assistant. It wasn't too different from working at the bar. As she approached the room, she heard the tail-end of Tony's statement. It wasn't something she was supposed to hear, but she was incredibly curious. Bruce was supposed to be dead? She remained in her spot, silent and listening for the rebuttal that came.

"So you're saying that the Hulk-- the Other Guy-- saved my life? That's nice. That's a nice sentiment. Saved it for... what?"

"I guess we'll find out."

"You might not enjoy it."

"And you just might."

That seemed to be the end of the conversation, but she wasn't ready to go back in yet. It would look too suspicious. Instead, Maj waited a bit longer before she walked in and when she did, both thanked her for the drinks, tea for Bruce and coffee with equal parts sugar and cream for Tony. With an excuse she hoped the men would accept, Maj left the lab for her room.

Door closed, Maj flopped down onto the mattress and let out a breath. Her thoughts raced as she tried to sort through what she'd heard. From what she remembered, the Hulk had decimated Harlem a few years ago. If what she heard was true, then that was Bruce. Maj wasn't sure she could believe it. I mean, he was so quiet and mild-mannered. The man couldn't be a giant rage monster. Yet the more she thought about it, Maj began to realise that the stares were that of wariness and fear. Everyone here was aware of his condition. A part of her was upset that he hadn't told her, but Maj reminded herself that he owed her nothing. He probably didn't want to lose the one friend he'd made on this ship. She couldn't fault him for protecting himself.

Maj stayed in her room for a while, occupying herself with her game and talking to Alder. She had told him little things, more so about her meeting Tony Stark. Her friend was all over that, asking a million questions that she couldn't answer. As she tried to explain that, the door to her room opened and men in tactical gear entered. She hadn't even been able to say anything to her best friend before she was engulfed by darkness.

Her head pounded as Maj came to. She wasn't sure what had happened, but she was very well aware that she hadn't been drinking. As she cracked her eyes open, she was met with glass windows and a beautiful view of the New York skyline. The world spun as she abruptly sat up. Closing her eyes, she tried to get her bearings before she attempted to move again. When she no longer felt like she was going to vomit, Maj tried again-- slower that time around.

She took in the area, a spacious room with a bar. It was nice, although the thought quickly left her when she saw the man standing by the window. Shock flooded through her when she realised it was the greasy looking man from before. Loki. As if he had heard her thoughts, he turned, an amused smirk plastered on his lips.

"So you have awoken. How does your head feel?"

"What do you want with me?"

"We'll get to that shortly. I am not without some care, mortal. Now, how is your head?"

"Fine. Why did you take me?" Maj glanced around, looking for Clint. She knew he had been brainwashed and while she wasn't sure he wouldn't hurt her, she wanted to see that he was okay.

"You are needed. Do you not know what you carry?" Maj tilted her head. She had no idea what he was talking about, but she knew she had to get him to keep talking. To stall him until someone came for her. "The power you hold will help me rule this realm. You are the key to my victory."

"Power? I don't have any powers. You're better off going for someone else." Loki did nothing but plaster that annoying grin back onto his lips. Maj scooted away as he began to move towards her, but not long after her first move, hands clamped onto her shoulders. Looking up, she found it was another Loki. She struggled to get away but his grip was firm. As he stood before her, he pointed the tip of his sceptre at her, bringing it closer to her chest. Maj continued to struggle, but it was no use. The moment the sceptre touched her, Maj was once again out like a light.

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