Story 2 - Aftermath

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Note: short one here. More of a the reaction than anything else. Short but sweet... I hope. Again, forgive all errors. I will get to it eventually.

Ivory stretched as the webs of sleep slowly slipped away. Then an all too familiar ache made her flinch.

"Owe." Instinct made her slip back on her stomach, hands reaching under the covers and up her shirt to feel her tender bottom.

"Holy cow." she muttered as heat emanated from two very sore globes. Her butt didn't throb but ached dully and spiked when she engaged her buttocks. Looking about, everyone had already woke up and were gone, most likely in the kitchen eating if the smell of eggs and bacon were any indication.

Sitting up to get to her feet, her mouth jaw dropped as the pain spike considerably. Not enough to be a real hindrance but certainly enough to make her wonder how bad the damage was.

First stop was the washroom, which in itself, was a painful affair. Then looking in the mirror on the inner door, she lifted her nighty and gasped. Her butt looked tenderized, like a seared steak. It wasn't glowing red like last night but a deeper, angrier red. Ivory smiled slowly, rubbing her bottom and rather enjoying the feeling.

Thinking back on last night, something had 'clicked' in her mind. To feel completely under the control of another person, to have to obey their command and know you will be punished was... liberating. That was the only way she could manage to understand it. She thought back to being punished by Ava and she blushed furiously.

Biting her lip, the reflection in the mirror showed a blushing girl of thirteen with a mischievous glint to her eye. Smiling broadly, she splashed cold water on her face to hide the blush then made her way to the kitchen.

As she entered, the soft conversations from the others died as they looked at her.

"Morning." Ivory yawned and looked about for something to eat. "Are there pancakes?"

"I was just about to make some." Ava offered as she busied herself grabbing a large bowl from a cupboard.

Ivory noticed all her friends had pillows on the hair wooden chairs and were sitting on them.. "That's a good idea." Deciding against a soft cushion, she sat her rump on the wooden chair. She bit her lip as her eyes widened. "Ah." she whispered as her eyes crinkled.

"Hurts, don't it." From Erin as she sipped what looked like coffee. Her eyes peered above the rim as she stared at her.

"No kidding. Wow." She shifted but the burning ache wouldn't stop. She couldn't help but smile at that. It was not unpleasant. Her smile wouldn't leave as the others looked at her constant shifting.

"Here's some orange juice Ivi." Nova reached over a container of OJ and poured her a glass. She too was openly staring.

Sensing something amiss, Ivory looked about. Every set of eyes were cast her way. Only Ava was busy making pancakes. The young teen saw that most of them had already eaten while there was still scrambled eggs in a pan on the table along with several slices of toast and bacon.

'Why was Ava making pancakes?'

Not one to mince words, Ivory sat back, ignoring the tender pain. "What's going on? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Ava finally glanced her way, her body stiff, her actions jerky. As for her friends, most of them smiled sheepishly and looked away. Only Erin still met her gaze.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

Ivory scoffed. "Sore, like you I imagine. Like all of you."

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