Bitter revenge

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Monarch Moth Cookie stood atop the hill, looking down at the valley before him. 'Why here?' He thought to himself, 'Who would want to meet me here?'
He waited, unsure of if he should stay there or leave.. No, he had to be patient. Sighing, he shifted a bit, to which he felt the ground collapse beneath his feet.. or his feet collapsing above the ground. A sharp pain was felt across his legs as he fell to the ground, sliding down the hill a bit. Someone stepped infront of him, looking down at him.
"Monarch Moth Cookie." A single sentence consisting of just his name rang through his ears. He looked up at the figure, "Indigo Moth Cookie..?" He asked, a bit surprised with the appearence of his brother after all these years.
The two sat in silence for a moment before Monarch Moth Cookie tried to get up. A slash from the sword Indigo Moth Cookie held prevented his rising though. "Stay down. We need to talk." He said, backing up a bit. "You know you ruined my life right? You're the reason I'm like this now." There was a pause, before he continued. "..But, perhaps you can change. Maybe we could be brothers again, you could become a better leader." He smiled, a bit smug.
"..You really think that?" Monarch Moth asked, as Indigo Moth stepped forward, reaching out his hand.


But it was just far enough to where Monarch Moth couldn't reach it. Indigo Moth Cookie knelt down, "Sorry, let me get a bit closer then." He said, getting closer to Monarch Moth. With a sudden stab, Indigo Moth cut into Monarch Moth's eye and ripped it out. "You really think I would just let everything you did go?" He laughed after asking the question. "Now you get to know how I felt the entire time that I was reaching out to YOU. But before I end your life. I'LL TAKE THAT OTHER EYE OUT ASWELL." He stabbed into Monarch Moth's other eye, ripping it out too, seeming to find some sort of sick enjoyment from it.

Monarch Moth expected death, awaiting it. But it hadn't come as quickly as he thought. "Stay down and bleed out. I'd do the world a favor if I killed you now, but I'd do you a disservice by keeping you alive.

Goodbye." The last thing Monarch Moth heard of his brother was the faint footsteps as he walked away. All he did was lay there, hoping that he'd bleed out or that someone would come for him.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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