4. Melody

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 "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for impacting our lives and our purpose with your truth. Bless our time together this day, focus our minds, soften our hearts, make our time together count for you. May our praise bring you glory and remind us of your promises. We love you, Lord, we seek your presence, and we worship you alone. Father God, we come before you laying down our pride and arrogance and confess our need for you."

A young lady led the opening prayer. Then she quickly proceeded down the pulpit.

     I was never the type to attend church on a regular basis, but I often showed up in the house of the Lord. I always enjoyed summons and the whole ambience of worship. My mind was usually at peace during those few hours. My faith was always captivated and that is why I would regularly seek a refill. The modest atmosphere was always breathtaking, at least in my point of view. This was not an ordinary service though. It was a church service organized and occupied by my family. This was the first order of business on the dowry-ceremony day. Although it was more of a family thing, there were very many unfamiliar faces.

     Punctuality was always something I tried to master with little success. I found myself among the backbenchers. I was comfortable. The ceremony had started on a very high note. The preacher had already owned the moment, 

 "My children, let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. And our Father advises us to be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. For marriage is the beautiful design of the Almighty, great and sacred mystery - meant to be vivid example of Christ and his church. So, every married man should be gracious to his wife just as he is gracious to himself. And every wife should be tenderly devoted to her husband. These are the Lord's words to Ephesians."

     My cousin's name was Wanzia and the man she had fallen for was called William. They were on the very front row, accompanied by close family members – those who really mattered to them. The preacher kept referring to them, as if we didn't already know it was their day. The couple was eventually invited to the pulpit to address the audience. As they both stood there, my mind slightly drifted to very many years ago. I couldn't help but realize how time had flied quick. It was just the other day she was a small naïve girl. Now, she is a grown woman who is ushering in the marriage life.

     I remembered how she was mandated the responsibility of taking care of us "the young ones" and how she adequately looked after us. She would even discipline us, when it was necessary. We all hated her but growing up, we gained understanding of what she tried to accomplish. I was one of Wanzia's favorite so she'd treat me in a more tender manner compared to all the other cousins. She grew into a very reputable woman and we were always advised to follow in her footsteps. On top of all that, she was knowledgeable. She had graduated with a bachelor's degree in statistics. She was simply the apple of the family's eye.

     William was indeed a very lucky man. Finding a beautiful, intelligent and morally upright woman. He expressed his acknowledgement of the gem he had won through a very romantic speech. He really loved her and I could tell.

"Since I met you, I have never found amusement in any other. It's like you walked into my heart and permanently locked the door behind you." William spoke, "I want you to understand that I am extremely ready to spend my life with you. In fact, I want to extend that time to eternity." He continued.

The crowd cheered as he helped Wanzia down the stage with her eyes filled with tears...tears of delight.

     The first order of business was to be concluded by a special performance by the choir. They aligned at the podium and quickly begun. Staring at my phone, my attention was rapidly snatched by this voice... this angelic voice. The lead lady's voice was fantastic. I remember I had thought of sneaking out to take a leak but this voice glued me to the chair. I couldn't leave, at least not now. The choir performed for a couple of minutes and the service was concluded.

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