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Fluff/fem reader/Tetchou is your bf.

Tetchou always liked keeping his muscle. In which, he worked out a lot. It was like any other day. He was glad he assembled a personal gym in his house. It was secluded from the main assets of the house.

"Y/n, would you like to go with me?"

You gave it a quick thought, your boyfriend was  the clingy type but, you enjoyed his presence. You agreed to follow him to his personal gym. Which he always dreamt about.

Tetchou look your hand and he lead you there. It was a rather spacious gym. With loads of space. He went over and picked up some weights. Doing his one things.

Since you were bored, and didn't want to work out you laid on the matted floor. It was cushioned and rather soft. You laid around for a bit. Just enjoying Tetchou presence. While he enjoyed yours. Your eyelids got heavy, and it seemed it was became harder and harder to keep them open. You dozed off to a sweet slumber on the floor.

Tetchou had later noticed your napping and went closer to you. He wasn't the type to do anything without your consent. He still wanted to be close to you so, right next to you he started doing push-ups.

It was a quick nap but, you woke up to Tetchou doing pushups. You turned to him and watched him. He quickly noticed you were awake and asked a rather vague question.

"You wanna help?"

It was a strange question but, it didn't stick out much. Mainly because Tetchou was always a bit in his own world.

"Sure, although help with what exactly."

"Being my weight."

You froze up at the request. It was strange yes, but it was Tetchou. You didn't seem to mind and came closer and took a step on Tetchous back.

Tetchou felt the weight of you on his back and continued to do pushups. Then he quietly remarked.

"You're the perfect weight to this."

Which in turn, made your cheeks turn pick just a bit.

Afterwards, Tetchou had noticed you were a little pink. Quickly questioning in concern.

"Are you okay? You look a little pink right now."

It made you realize how pink you were if Tetchou noticed. You weren't sure what to say but you certainly chuckled at your worried boyfriend.


Pretty light, I'll take requests.  This was a sort of warm up.. anyways it's 4 am I should sleep lol.

Tetchouxreader one shots // headcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now